Pitch Velocity
Pitch speeds need to be tuned down in the sliders, With the game currently how it is you need to read exactly what pitch is coming and where it's going as soon as the ball is released. If you're thinking offs speed when the ball is released by the time you realize it's a fastball it's
already past you. This means you have to sit fastball, however sitting fastball you have to read fastball instantly to hit it and if its off speed you're going to be way too early. Hitting is nearly impossible right now. -
I disagree. That’s how hitting works. You have to look fastball, react breaking ball. If you can’t determine what pitch it is out of the hand, you’re probably not going to be successful.
I don’t think the speed is the problem, it’s not being able to see what pitch it is soon enough. That just takes practice.
The problem is the lack of perfect perfects now and the insane amount of good okay squared on perfect pci placement. Pitch speeds are very fast though and when I get to hof I might have to agree with you here as all star is already a good deal faster than last year
I don’t think the pitch speeds are an issue at all, it’s just the timing window they adjusted. I actually think if they reverted back to the previous window with current pci sizes, they could actually tune up the speeds a little bit.
Yea I’m actually a fan of the speeds also. When hitting against aroldis chapman, it should feel like your hitting against aroldis Chapman. Gotta sit fastball and adjust to off speed. It’s a challenge. The timing window needs to be adjusted imo