They need to let World Series finishers begin at 400
Ranked Seasons is just a long event. You gotta get 30 wins before the event ends. That's how I approach it and I think that's the only way to approach it. So why, if I finish in the 800s in my monthly failed attempt to make World Series, do I have to start anywhere above 400? I just end up quitting a dozen times in a row to get down to where the wins can be accrued.
It makes no sense to punish decent players with a decent rating. I want to be ranked 385 to begin each season, so I don't have to quit so many times in a row just to get the same shot at 30 as the next guy.
Simple answer. Because the people who aren’t capable of playing at 700-800 shouldn’t have those that can hanging around down there beating up in them
For easy wins.That’s the flaw in the new program, people lose on purpose to keep getting easy wins to get the reward.
@vk_ratliff_psn said in They need to let World Series finishers begin at 400:
Ranked Seasons is just a long event. You gotta get 30 wins before the event ends. That's how I approach it and I think that's the only way to approach it. So why, if I finish in the 800s in my monthly failed attempt to make World Series, do I have to start anywhere above 400? I just end up quitting a dozen times in a row to get down to where the wins can be accrued.
It makes no sense to punish decent players with a decent rating. I want to be ranked 385 to begin each season, so I don't have to quit so many times in a row just to get the same shot at 30 as the next guy.
I think you have a good point and I actually believe all players regardless of prior accomplishments should start a new season together. I know sometimes especially early in the season there would be some tough matchups but for the better player it's fun and a brief escape from really tough games ahead If your on the flipside and the lesser player given your wanting to get better then you know there are lessons to be learned in defeat. Seeing how the player pitched, or the way they approached at bats is beneficial if you are a descent player you may not win but you will make adjustments and possibly find things that work you would never have discovered otherwise. People get to caught up in Winning. Winning is important once your ready and capable of playing at a high level but many people in real life and this game hate to lose but have never put in the neccessary effort to truly make a claim they should win at a high level. Winning requires many things and for a lit of people no matter how hard they try it still wont happen because you can't really teach being naturally gifted at something. I do know though if you are truthful about your weaknesses and learn from your opponents put out a max effort to improve wherever you end up you can find satisfaction and truly know you put in everything you had. It is a video game so I think all players should be attainable for paying customers. I think Sds should remove the market price cap on the top 50 performing cards not give cards for rewards in ranked or BR but lots and lots of stubs. Elite players would then have no problem getting the card leaving only someone willing to shell out cash, which benefits ads, flip cards, or grind like hell the equivalent of working hard in order to have nice things would be the only players able to use them which is fair and like in the real world givea everyone a chance
@wolftex77_psn said in They need to let World Series finishers begin at 400:
@vk_ratliff_psn said in They need to let World Series finishers begin at 400:
Ranked Seasons is just a long event. You gotta get 30 wins before the event ends. That's how I approach it and I think that's the only way to approach it. So why, if I finish in the 800s in my monthly failed attempt to make World Series, do I have to start anywhere above 400? I just end up quitting a dozen times in a row to get down to where the wins can be accrued.
It makes no sense to punish decent players with a decent rating. I want to be ranked 385 to begin each season, so I don't have to quit so many times in a row just to get the same shot at 30 as the next guy.
I think you have a good point and I actually believe all players regardless of prior accomplishments should start a new season together. I know sometimes especially early in the season there would be some tough matchups but for the better player it's fun and a brief escape from really tough games ahead If your on the flipside and the lesser player given your wanting to get better then you know there are lessons to be learned in defeat. Seeing how the player pitched, or the way they approached at bats is beneficial if you are a descent player you may not win but you will make adjustments and possibly find things that work you would never have discovered otherwise. People get to caught up in Winning. Winning is important once your ready and capable of playing at a high level but many people in real life and this game hate to lose but have never put in the neccessary effort to truly make a claim they should win at a high level. Winning requires many things and for a lit of people no matter how hard they try it still wont happen because you can't really teach being naturally gifted at something. I do know though if you are truthful about your weaknesses and learn from your opponents put out a max effort to improve wherever you end up you can find satisfaction and truly know you put in everything you had. It is a video game so I think all players should be attainable for paying customers. I think Sds should remove the market price cap on the top 50 performing cards not give cards for rewards in ranked or BR but lots and lots of stubs. Elite players would then have no problem getting the card leaving only someone willing to shell out cash, which benefits ads, flip cards, or grind like hell the equivalent of working hard in order to have nice things would be the only players able to use them which is fair and like in the real world givea everyone a chance
Uh, you don't learn anything when you dashboard before the first HR lands when they see you have a WS banner. Easiest way to get to 30 wins is tank down, put on your WS banners and win a few and lose a few. You can probably be one of the first 25 players to get the season reward. I was the 6th person to P1 Gehrig.
@d_e_m_i_s_e_psn said in They need to let World Series finishers begin at 400:
@wolftex77_psn said in They need to let World Series finishers begin at 400:
@vk_ratliff_psn said in They need to let World Series finishers begin at 400:
Ranked Seasons is just a long event. You gotta get 30 wins before the event ends. That's how I approach it and I think that's the only way to approach it. So why, if I finish in the 800s in my monthly failed attempt to make World Series, do I have to start anywhere above 400? I just end up quitting a dozen times in a row to get down to where the wins can be accrued.
It makes no sense to punish decent players with a decent rating. I want to be ranked 385 to begin each season, so I don't have to quit so many times in a row just to get the same shot at 30 as the next guy.
I think you have a good point and I actually believe all players regardless of prior accomplishments should start a new season together. I know sometimes especially early in the season there would be some tough matchups but for the better player it's fun and a brief escape from really tough games ahead If your on the flipside and the lesser player given your wanting to get better then you know there are lessons to be learned in defeat. Seeing how the player pitched, or the way they approached at bats is beneficial if you are a descent player you may not win but you will make adjustments and possibly find things that work you would never have discovered otherwise. People get to caught up in Winning. Winning is important once your ready and capable of playing at a high level but many people in real life and this game hate to lose but have never put in the neccessary effort to truly make a claim they should win at a high level. Winning requires many things and for a lit of people no matter how hard they try it still wont happen because you can't really teach being naturally gifted at something. I do know though if you are truthful about your weaknesses and learn from your opponents put out a max effort to improve wherever you end up you can find satisfaction and truly know you put in everything you had. It is a video game so I think all players should be attainable for paying customers. I think Sds should remove the market price cap on the top 50 performing cards not give cards for rewards in ranked or BR but lots and lots of stubs. Elite players would then have no problem getting the card leaving only someone willing to shell out cash, which benefits ads, flip cards, or grind like hell the equivalent of working hard in order to have nice things would be the only players able to use them which is fair and like in the real world givea everyone a chance
Uh, you don't learn anything when you dashboard before the first HR lands when they see you have a WS banner. Easiest way to get to 30 wins is tank down, put on your WS banners and win a few and lose a few. You can probably be one of the first 25 players to get the season reward. I was the 6th person to P1 Gehrig.
Your absolutely right there is no way you are going to get better dash boarding every game you know your up against a strong opponent. I know there are some that say why worry about getting dash boarded just take the W but I disagree I think if you dashboard your way out of a game you're a hateful loser who either has anger issues or you just dont have very strong character and lack some of the fundamental core values needed to get along with others. I say this because you are knowingly chosing an action that hurts your opponents progress in the game by denying rightfully earned stats. I coach my sons travel ball team and unfortunately I have had to talk to a couple of the boys after they decided to Express there anger and frustration with striking out by launching a bat, helmet or both across our dugout. Basically told them throwing a fit doesn't help fix what has you pissed off if you dont like the results your getting start understanding why they are happening and use the information to fix the problem. Many times the fix is pretty simple and there back where they want to be other times especially when your new there is just no way to rush experience so play take your lumps but dont forget there are lessons to be learned in defeat. Many times the lessons learned in defeat are what propels you to success. So an I feel it applies here if you truly want to get better play if its completely ridiculous matchup and you aren't mercy ruled just pause the game and quit out there is no shame in that. If you are frustrated when someone hits a homer that's fine to just simply be frustrated let the ball land then quit cool off and find another game. Eventually you will start to get better. But if you quit by dashboarding everytime you fall behind your an A$$#ole who has no intrest in getting better just looking for an easier matchup so you can win have a false sense of success get your reward you probably think your entitled to and continue on with no regard for the world around you but probably e the first person to complain when you feel like someone wrongs you. Anyway I've read a lot of your post seems like you really enjoy baseball and I hope they come up with a solution for the problem you guys in rural areas are having with bad connections. Didn't mean to ramble on there I just get frustrated when people want the pay check but have no interest in the work week. My comment about playing and getting better was aimed at people who do things right but may not have the results yet encouraging them to stay the course eventually they will come
They need to change the whole structure of it. I have absolutely no desire to play on HOF or higher.
They need to break the seasons out into difficulty.
For example 20 wins in AS or 900 rating gets you a 97
HoF gets you a 98
Legend a 99
Or something like that. I admit when I get over 700 I bomb out to get back to 550. I have no desire to play anything more challenging.
Well. The big problem here is that they made the game way harder and hall of fame starts like at wild card. Hall of fame started in previous editions around high division series, championship series. Also all star is more difficult than previous years jn ranked seasons. Low scoring games, and just a bunch of strike outs. I am also having to compete with really good players. If i am playing average and barely wining games, and all my games with other average players are close then i don’t want to be ranked with world series, 12-0 br , or twitch tv players…. I want to be ranked with players with similar record than me not like 90-12 Or 56-4 for example…