Suggestions for The Show 22
Just some small suggestions for April '22:
-Get rid of the podcast: Nobody asked for it. It's wack, serves no purpose, and is a waste of money on SDS's behalf that could be better spent.-
Overhaul the agent system: allow us to meet with our agent when we want, or at least monthly. Give us multiple career options to choose from, not just one (Getting traded, changing position, retiring, etc.). This was available in older games, don't know why it was changed.
Stop making it impossible to get traded (Seriously, it's ridiculous): Let us give a set of desirable teams, let us see what teams have interest in us. Allow us to make trades easier by offering a salary decrease or position change, etc.
Make salaries worth something. Signing contracts is futile and always has been. Even if you take less money, the team almost never signs any good free agents. Give the money a purpose. Additionally, improve team AI, some decisions they make are just dumb.
Don't send marquee players to a bunch of different teams: By like year 4, half of the notable players are either retired, washed, or play for totally different squads. It kills the realism of the game.
Trophy case/room: WE PLAY THE GAME FOR HARDWARE. So when we win some, we want to see it! Show the WS trophies, the MVPs, the Batting titles, Gold/Platinum Gloves, etc. in a trophy case or room or any kind of display. For years, we've had an "accomplishments list". Seriously?. SDS can't do better than that? We don't even get the award presentations anymore. It sucks. Players want gratification when they win something, not a list. Show the trophies. No pun intended. (Something like what NBA 2k does)
Bat Flips: It's gotten out of hand now. For the past 4 years, the bat flips have been just plain stupid. It takes all the fun out of the no-doubters when you can't have the animation you want. And I get that it's a video game but come on. Most of the flips in the game are foolish. Just give us some realistic bat flips with a LITTLE flair, that's all.
I know Diamond Dynasty makes you money, but put some work into actually changing RTTS. It's the best mode in the game and it always has been.
- Bring back the no-doubt homerun camera option (the one that stayed at home plate, it was SO dope)
- Thumb guards for batters (just something I noticed)
These are just some things that I feel can make the game (mostly RTTS, I know) more enjoyable. Please take some of them into consideration. I've been playing this franchise for over a decade, and it's probably my favorite of all time. I just want to see it get better.