"Opponent Match Up Search Engine"
When 1 enters either Ranked, Events or BR to play. ..... When 1 is given the chance to select their ballpark for if they are randomly chosen to be the home team. There could be an option window to choose the Hitting/Pitching mode you are facing. It can be "Any" if if that is the option chosen, then It doesn't matter who is using which mode. It will all be totally random how it is currently.
However if 1 chooses Zone Hitting to face, then they are also locked to use Zone Hitting themselves. If 1 chooses PinPoint Pitching, then they are locked to using PinPoint Pitching themselves.
In "MY" case I would choose to face only Directional Hitting & Classic Pitching & therfore be locked into using the same myself. This way I know who I am facing I will have a fair leveled play. All who chooses their preferred mode will also have that fair level play. No more wondering if you lost that game because you were using Meter Pitching & your opponent was using PinPoint Pitching instead.
The same way how the slider gives you the choice if you only want to stay within your rank range or play someone with a ranking way way higher (or even lower) then your own ranking.
If 3 minutes does pass & there are NO Match Ups to be found based on the mode preference selected. Then that is when that person will decide if they want to re-enter using the "Any" option or trying again at a later time to see if a mode selected Match Up is found.
That will easily give FAIR BALANCE to everyone.
no. what kind of nonsense is this? If I want to use my wii mote to pitch, I should not force others to use it too. This is a terrible idea. There are more variables that can question why you lost like RNG rather than if your opponents was using meter, pin point or zone hitting.
@raider52morrison said in "Opponent Match Up Search Engine":
no. what kind of nonsense is this? If I want to use my wii mote to pitch, I should not force others to use it too. This is a terrible idea. There are more variables that can question why you lost like RNG rather than if your opponents was using meter, pin point or zone hitting.
NO ONE is Forcing ANYONE to do ANYTHING. It's a mutual choice of both opponents facing each other because they both selected the same mode type for the Engine then being able to match them up together.
But those who select "ANY" as both their Hitting & Pitching mode will be matched up with whoever else same way they are being matched up currently. Regardless of which Mode they are using.