Getting closer
Completely done with all 4 East TAs (well at 100%) but if I want to be COMPLETELY done, I would have to finish off some Missions and the Moments; which probably aren't worth the time.
Done (see above) with Stage 2--4 Central TAs and only need 22 more points to complete Stage 1 NL Central (AL is done).
Then onto the West.
Probably going to try the last 22pts for the NL Central Stage 1 with some random Conquest Map (Maybe a small one).
Then it's off to do Stage 4 of the West first, since it gives out the most points.
Hoping to have all the West Stages done before mid week.
Next up would be either the other Conquest maps or the TN Moments from each week (haven't done any of them).
Is it still worth it to do those to finish the Monthly Programs knowing that I probably won't use any of those cards except for collections?
98% of the cards you are going to obtain are only useful for collections and the odd mission or event. So finishing the monthly awards will be based on whether you want mookie and kershaw, both of which dont see my lineup or rotation but may be in yours. The real question is do you want to/have the patience for all the moments required for the monthly programs?.
@jeezy-e_psn said in Getting closer:
98% of the cards you are going to obtain are only useful for collections and the odd mission or event. So finishing the monthly awards will be based on whether you want mookie and kershaw, both of which dont see my lineup or rotation but may be in yours. The real question is do you want to/have the patience for all the moments required for the monthly programs?.
That's my dilemma. The 'completionist' in me wants to do them. The part of me that doesn't want to do them is the part that realizes that the time spent obtaining those cards, playing Moments that may be irritating, takes the away from actually trying to see if I can stomach some online to get Chapman and Verlander.
It may just come down to me trying them and if it starts to get mind numbingly boring switching to something else for awhile. (I'm starting to get burnt out in Conquest with all the Conquest I've been playing lately)
@dirty-shawnchez_psn said in Getting closer:
Completely done with all 4 East TAs (well at 100%) but if I want to be COMPLETELY done, I would have to finish off some Missions and the Moments; which probably aren't worth the time.
Done (see above) with Stage 2--4 Central TAs and only need 22 more points to complete Stage 1 NL Central (AL is done).
Then onto the West.
Probably going to try the last 22pts for the NL Central Stage 1 with some random Conquest Map (Maybe a small one).
Then it's off to do Stage 4 of the West first, since it gives out the most points.
Hoping to have all the West Stages done before mid week.
Next up would be either the other Conquest maps or the TN Moments from each week (haven't done any of them).
Is it still worth it to do those to finish the Monthly Programs knowing that I probably won't use any of those cards except for collections?
There are definitely some really amazing cards in the Monthly programs. Tyler O'Neil, Joey Votto, Kyle Schwarber and Byron Buxton are some of my favorite cards in the game. Yes, their main use beyond using them for your team is for collections but it seems to me, if you have the time, they are well worth the effort. You can get the first 30 points in all 6 monthly programs simultaneously in 1-2 games on rookie.
As for the undone missions or moments in a completed TA, all you would get are some stubs and the xp that you would get doing anything else. The conquest maps at least have rewards in them.
Also, if you do the TN moments and don't want the cards they are sellable. You can bank a lot of stubs doing those.
All I have left is NL west TA 3 and 4 and AL east TA 4. Then TA 5 will be left. Moments I avoid like Rubella except for daily moments. Those send me into full rage enough as is, I don't need to torture myself any further.
I grinded out the Monthly's to just get Votto & Schwarber & it was GRIND for me. Both cards for me does great Off-Line with Conquest & VsCPU, however NOT On-Line. Their vision is under 100 & that does make a big difference for me with how players i do use & how well they"Opponent Match Up Search Engine" for me On-Line. No 1 within my line up or bench I use has a vision less than 100. That 100+ vision does make a difference with making better contact on borderline strike pitches or those slightly out of the zone.
So the Monthly Reward players may or may not be worth getting unless you do just want to complete the voucher for Betts & Kershaw. The TA's were supper easy & quick for me to complete.Just doing the collections, Missions, Conquest & 1-2 MTO's for each division got me too 100% at all 4 levels. -