And let's get one thing straight....
I don't care what cards you have. If you don't know how to make jerseys or put on a logo without it taking up the entire front of your uniform then you are a casual.
I played a guy yesterday who has the name of a Tupac song. Picture_Me_Rollin. This [censored] had Biggio and Mantle, no uniforms and tried bunting with the bases loaded with Mantle.
I told him his cards were sure pretty but he needed to learn how to make a jersey. He responded "I make more money in 1 day than you have".
These are the guys that this game is made for. Bunt dancing money spenders
Not gonna agree with your premise but there is a madden streamer who has spent almost $600 on his team already that's employing the 'bunt for hits' strategy. He bought a 100K card in Bellinger just to bunt with him lol
Do you hold late-90's MLB with the same disdain?
As long as their jersey doesn't include a certain symbol associated with a mid-century German leader or other obscene imagines, c'set la vie!