Need help please
Something within the last month has drastically changed with my game. Hitting, pitching and fielding I have suddenly lost all ability to do. Settings and adjusting sliders have no effect on cpu opponent what so ever. Regardless if I am on Rookie with Beginner hitting and pitching, the cpu consistently cranks multiple 450ft no doubters. While my batters are lucky to get a hit at all. On the rare chance I actually suceed in getting a base hit, 95% of the time it's a single.
I could go on for a solid week laying out all the "new" issues that have suddenly decided to show up. Anyone out there at all that have experienced this or can offer any help, please do.
My game is updated and I don't do any of the events or anything like that, if that matters. -
What mode do you play mostly? I have went into slumps with teams in franchise before. It can get mental
If you suspect your game is slow or its system ,try data base rebuild. Its quite safe and actually recommended to do occasionally.If nothing else it can be a rabbits foot sometime when you slumping .