Equipping my ballplayer
I have been playing RTTS 2020 so far, but I decided I wanted to finally get started on the 21 version just a little bit and I picked up some new equipment and for some reason I am completely unable to have it equipped to my ballplayer.
It is probably user error, because the way you equip your player in 20 is significantly different, and so far easier for me. But what I am doing is going into RTTS 21, my ballplayer, appearance, equipment, bat, and when the bat I have equipped shows up there is zero options to change it.
It shows my bat, but the only options are "randomize" or "edit"
I then tried to do it from the main screen instead of RTTS and go to my equipment and then click on the new bat I got and there is no option for me to equip it that way like in the show 20.
I would appreciate any help.
Go to appearance, equipment ,bat.Some bats have changeable options others do not .Here in appearance you have the option to customise all your equipment , cleats ,batting gloves and other gear be sure to hit options button to save when done.Hope this works 4 ya
ok. tried that and It shows my bat, but the only options are "randomize" or "edit". I gives the description of my bat, but there is literally no way visible to change it. I click x to see if it will work, but it does not.
Caan you customise anything else like cleats?Message me on PSN try to help ya
Have no idea how to do screen shots in here, walk you through it on psn messages
Hi. I am not sure what psn messages is, but I checked with the cleats and could not change those either.
Just wanted to add I can change my batting stance, and any physical appearance, as well as bat flip etc.
You mus do appearance then go to equipmego to your friends menu outside the game then search Kwikpoppa
Sorry , do a search for me from your friends menu outside the game
Then message me
Thanks. I sent you a message. I suspect it's user error, but I just can't figure it out.
Thanks for everyone that tried to help me. I FINALLY figured it out. I had to go into the loadouts and then go to the individual parts to equip my new bat and glove. Forgot to equip my cleats, but I can get that after the game. Definitely different than in 20.