Dodger Unis need to NEVER be in The Show
Jackie Robinson would be rolling over in his grave if he saw these atrocities.
Los pajamas con trucker hat
'Wrigleyville' Cubs ones are weird as well. Chew on those Ernie Banks!
Couldn’t believe how much announcers were praising this uniform. I think they were lazily designed and made just like recent All-Star uniforms. All-Star games used to be a spectacle with players wearing their own teams’ uniforms at same time on field.
White Sox are fire so I’m good
They’re not as bad as some peoples pin stripes pink purple turquoise and orange mash ups you see online.
So the dodgers jerseys are bland and with zero creativity. That’s what ever. What’s really bad about the entire ensemble is the hat. It’s like they went to custom ink and picked out a generic preset image. We want our name, in cursive!
@the57deluxe_psn said in Dodger Unis need to NEVER be in The Show:
Couldn’t believe how much announcers were praising this uniform. I think they were lazily designed and made just like recent All-Star uniforms. All-Star games used to be a spectacle with players wearing their own teams’ uniforms at same time on field.
Yeah I miss the players wearing their own unis at the ASG and in the NBA ASG.