Ticket Resolved, but @SDS, I'd appreciate a response
My ticket for personal information showing up on the game summary screen has been resolved -- 4 months after I reported it.
I don't doubt SDS has been busy but personal information is personal information and when it's reported as showing up in-game, I can't give a free pass to the first response being 'are you still experiencing this issue?' and then going radio-silent on my reply. Then, reading other threads in the forum, and seeing an SDS response that the email address used for the initial reports was no longer being used, I had to re-submit the ticket.
I've not received any kind of acknowledgement from SDS about the re-submission of the ticket, or any acknowledgement of how long I've been waiting for a response on something that's more important than choosing a 42 series twice, but the issue is fixed so there's that.
For info, this appears to have been a fault in the game where I elected to progress with my PSN ID but the game summary screen (only) showed my MLBTS account name, which was a more personally-identifying email address which I assumed would never show up in-game (due to choosing to progress with the PSN ID). My PSN ID showed up correctly everywhere else in the game where usernames are displayed.
SDS might not have cared about my situation as they could see I am not a California resident, and California-based companies only have to worry about privacy rights for in-state residents (according to what I could read about how state law in Cali works). I think companies should strive for higher than the base round when dealing with customer privacy and personal information. Sony Interactive Entertainment is also headquartered in California, but Sony is US-headquartered in New York, so I wonder what the parent company would make of this.
I wouldn't mind hearing from SDS here if they care to make a statement about customer privacy beyond the letter of California law. I'm not at all going to do anything formal or anything like that, if anyone thinks I'm getting litigious (just wanted to make sure that was addressed because it's not on the table) but what I just experienced over 4 months is ridiculous. There were a number of game-play reasons I was playing online less than I wanted, but this issue was a factor as well.
Privacy is not an issue to be mishandled on any level. I am glad it was fixed for you but something that serious deserves more than a silent fix.