SDS Messed Around and Broke Their Game
This is the first year playing where I actually want to quit and never play again. Online play is atrocious and if you disagree you’re delusional. I have never played a show game where I was absolutely this bad at hitting, but then again I have never faced as many pitchers with Outlier fastballs and sinkers. It’s clear SDS knows this is the meta and week after week just [censored] in our face with more outlier sinker pitchers. I just wish I could get all the money back that I spent in this game because I would gladly never play it again if it didn’t feel like a chore keeping up to get my money’s worth.
Quant testing doesn't seem to be their forte... Their approach to game play updates is equivalent to the the "pull and pray" contraception method.
Little update. In a event game right now, where I gave up a 3-0 lead...due in large part to my center fielder freezing and allowing more runners to score! I wonder what else I'll encounter
Edit: I LOST!!! Had the win yanked right from under me. Good stuff, good stuff.
Also, forgot some of the other ways SDS broke their game.
-Oh great, a double! Wait a minute, he's running home! WTF, no!!! Annnnnnnd he's out.....
-Runner on second, ground ball to the 3rd baseman or shortstop, runner on second over-dramatically belly flops back on the base...meanwhile I'm instructing him to run to third. My opponent throws it to first, and guess what!? The runner from second is now listening to the command 5 seconds after the fact and is running to third at the worst possible time for the easy out!And can the people defending this game just stop messing with us and come clean as SDS employees? Or at the very least paid "influencers" hyping up a currently terrible game.
@arvcpa_psn said in SDS Messed Around and Broke Their Game:
@squid_adams_psn said in SDS F***ed Around and Broke Their Game:
Everyone here seems to get it except @Hikes83. If I want to see random outcomes, I’ll play GM/Coach mode.
I think what @Hikes83_PSN is saying is that if you use "button accuracy", by default you won't have a wide throw... so long as you're "accurate". If you just use buttons, yes, your fielders will make an occasional error.
I switched to Button Accuracy this year, and when I make an error, it's 100% on me.
Do you mean when you make a throwing error its on you. Cuz I have lots of errors with 90+ fielders on routine groundballs that are not on me. I have also seen my opponents ole routine groundballs and lose games. I thought they fixed the issue with errors with 90+ fielders last year on routine balls but I guess they come out during events?
@hikes83_psn said in SDS Messed Around and Broke Their Game:
Only thing I’ll address is the wide throws. That’s on you for not using button accuracy
@glltchmaglc_psn said in SDS Messed Around and Broke Their Game:
@hikes83_psn said in SDS Messed Around and Broke Their Game:
Only thing I’ll address is the wide throws. That’s on you for not using button accuracy
Never mind I got things backwards
@squid_adams_psn said in SDS Messed Around and Broke Their Game:
Little update. In a event game right now, where I gave up a 3-0 lead...due in large part to my center fielder freezing and allowing more runners to score! I wonder what else I'll encounter
Edit: I LOST!!! Had the win yanked right from under me. Good stuff, good stuff.
Also, forgot some of the other ways SDS broke their game.
-Oh great, a double! Wait a minute, he's running home! WTF, no!!! Annnnnnnd he's out.....
-Runner on second, ground ball to the 3rd baseman or shortstop, runner on second over-dramatically belly flops back on the base...meanwhile I'm instructing him to run to third. My opponent throws it to first, and guess what!? The runner from second is now listening to the command 5 seconds after the fact and is running to third at the worst possible time for the easy out!And can the people defending this game just stop messing with us and come clean as SDS employees? Or at the very least paid "influencers" hyping up a currently terrible game.
I’m not gonna take things that far but I had to laugh at some of the play by play comments you made
Yes all that [censored] has happened to me. This weekend! I will throw one more in there. Ball hits 3rd base and shoots straight up in the air. Like 30 plus foot. You get out all out of wack on which way to go and basically the input of the player your controlling is well just froze or something. Meanwhile almost everyone has scored or at least almost by the time you L2 to another player if it even lets you. Yeah this happened twice in 2 days. I’m on the PS5 not sure if it’s something screwy on that. But I shouldn’t lose control of my players.
"I’m on the PS5 not sure if it’s something screwy on that. But I shouldn’t lose control of my players." It does not matter what console you are playing on, YOU do not have control of your players or the outcomes of any sequence. It doesn't take a scientist to understand this game created by SDS, the AI controls the game and every single outcome play by play. All we are doing is smashing buttons thinking we are responsible for outcomes of plays. We are not the CPU's artificial intelligence is! There are often visual and audible hints as to what is going to happen next, watch & listen for them. As Versus 2 said in several of his Madden videos the game has a precise script it is following and we are allowed good poor and even terrible outcomes to every sequential play. That is in fact what MLB has become. Tell me it is normal that my hitter's bat becomes a wet pool noodle on certain pitches at certain times regardless my timing or contact info. The countless double plays, the dying quails into the outfield, the ball reaching the warning track (Vaskershon says with empathis ) then drops straight down into a fielder's glove, the ground rule doubles (a fault for years in The Show) the I didn't check swing BS as the AI halts my swing mid swing! All this and so much more added here in this post about hitting since the updates ........ gents, this game is scripted, it is not predicated on "stick skills' or baseball knowledge or personal prowess at playing the game, it is all predicated on what the CPU determines will happen play to play. You have as much chance of determining the outcome of any given swing as you do getting a Diamond player in a pack. SDS determines BOTH. For all those moaning about how their hitting skills are lacking this year compared to last renditions (you know when the game was fun) it is NOT you. It is the changes SDS made to the game this year and mostly affecting things now, the update to cull positive outcomes on contact swings. Admit it, they ruined the fun of the game by over adjusting this feature. The AI is using sticky substances on pitching to fail your hitting with spin ratio hahahahahaha Seriously, the game sucks now compared to release day because the fun is removed from it. Scripted, CPU controlled and AI cheats are at the center of the problem. "Yet ANOTHER perfect double play ground ball hit to the shortstop, to second for one onto 1st for the ten thousandth DP you have hit into" LOL Worse yet, it was the 700th perfect/perfect swing!!!!
@bozzman0109_psn said in SDS Messed Around and Broke Their Game:
Do you mean when you make a throwing error its on you. Cuz I have lots of errors with 90+ fielders on routine groundballs that are not on me. I have also seen my opponents ole routine groundballs and lose games. I thought they fixed the issue with errors with 90+ fielders last year on routine balls but I guess they come out during events?
In my personal experience, yes, that's what I'm seeing. Both on-line and off. If I hit the green zone, it's always accurate. When I miss, the throw goes wide.
I play offline and I've said it before, but this game cheats you into double plays no matter the situation. 99.9% of the time. No matter where my PCI is, the end result is a grounder right at someone. Or the ball suddenly warps after I swing and it's suddenly at the bottom of my PCI.
I had one yesterday where I hit the ball with Trea Turner and chopped it slowly to third, the CPU with silver fielding and bad arm strength and accuracy charges, threw Jackie out a second and Trea was doubled up. There are way too many other examples to write here.
I literally never lose a game playing offline but it's still so infuriating to the point of wanting to just stop playing this stupid game. I shouldn't ground into 3 DP's during a conquest game.
I was a 700 rated player last year that stopped online this year, so I really don't think it's just because I suck or something. This game just feels off this year.
@imbeater_psn said in SDS Messed Around and Broke Their Game:
This is the first year playing where I actually want to quit and never play again. Online play is atrocious and if you disagree you’re delusional. I have never played a show game where I was absolutely this bad at hitting, but then again I have never faced as many pitchers with Outlier fastballs and sinkers. It’s clear SDS knows this is the meta and week after week just [censored] in our face with more outlier sinker pitchers. I just wish I could get all the money back that I spent in this game because I would gladly never play it again if it didn’t feel like a chore keeping up to get my money’s worth.
Online play is bad mainly due to server/connection issues. Dedicated servers and ping indicators at the pitching and lineup screen would drastically improve the online experience. With SDS moving to Xbox and gaining more money, there should be no reason we don't have these things. They would probably make more money in the long run.
Regarding stealing, if you are winning or you are seeing warped pitches or other signs of a bad connection game you will get thrown out the majority of the time. Your player (like mine most times) won't steal until the pitcher almost releases the ball. Love 90+ base stealers getting horrible jumps.
@schwizzle_nizzle said in SDS Messed Around and Broke Their Game:
I play offline and I've said it before, but this game cheats you into double plays no matter the situation. 99.9% of the time. No matter where my PCI is, the end result is a grounder right at someone. Or the ball suddenly warps after I swing and it's suddenly at the bottom of my PCI.
I had one yesterday where I hit the ball with Trea Turner and chopped it slowly to third, the CPU with silver fielding and bad arm strength and accuracy charges, threw Jackie out a second and Trea was doubled up. There are way too many other examples to wrote here.
I literally never lose a game playing offline but it's still so infuriating to the point of wanting to just stop playing this stupid game. I shouldn't ground into 3 DP's during a conquest game.
I was a 700 rated player last year that stopped online this year, so I really don't think it's just because I suck or something. This game just feels off this year.
The amount of dps in showdown is absolutely insane.
As for all the fanboy excusers with the "it is internet lag, server issues" B S I have Xfinity 1 Gig and normally am at 850 MPS or higher, playing at my daughter's house when house sitting, on FIOS with less than 30 MPS on a 120 HTZ TV the game plays the exact same. It is frame rate changes the GAME uses to cheat outcomes and has absolutely nothing to do with band width/server issues/internet speed or issues. I play on a LG 55" C6 which rated the best over all gaming TV available in 2018. And it is just that. I see things others using TVs do not. I have it precisely tweaked to settings for best Gaming TV ability and it exposes every AI cheat/mechanism and or CPU glitch which are easily identified. My daughter has the LG G1 65" BOTH play the same with the exception being her's gets me 120HTZ. If I had her TV at my Xfinity speeds (far exceeding FIOS speeds) the game would play exactly the same. Don't fall for the B S excuses, It is in the Game not your/the SDS internet/server etc. Madden has the suddenly vanishing blockers, MLB has the suddenly vanishing pitches, pitching speed/location and or vanishing PCI accuracy built into the gameplay. Unless you believe hitting over all or hitting into DPs has anything to do with server/internet issues. It is built in AI SDS employs, .... period.
I have Kyle Schwarber in LF and I laugh every time he is in place directly under the fly ball and it falls out of his glove.
It's refreshing to see everyone noticing what's going on with this "game" and speaking the truth. Crazy thing is, I keep coming back to 21, whereas 2019 I stopped halfway through the something MUST be a little better this year (but the low bar set by 2019 wasn't hard to surpass)
I honestly can't locate a ball to hit to save my life now, in last 5 games ive struggled super hard, ive had 8 game win streaks on hall of fame so i still cannot tell if its me playing bad or the lag making the ball motions harder to locate