One thing I would like to know
And that is why is everything in the game not even. Ramone had said every thing is not better then the other which is A lie like the pitching pinpoint is better then meter or pulse or even analog thats 1. Number( 2) The hitting buttons seem to favor over pure analog or analog or directional period. They need to stop lying to us customers. Also they also allow ZEN hitting and pitching while online and also why do they not go by what they say and that is if any of us use a known glitch in the game then we will get banned with stats reset. Like the walk glitch to finish the programs Ramone and the others need to stop putting a TOS in place and say things and not go by them. This game is pre determined before the game even starts ive been watching other streamers and they all say the were on it but the ball dies in the outfield. i guess they like the poster boys and you know who you are heaven for bid let them lose 5 or 6 games in a row like the rest of us do. Ive seen peoples records like they win 13 lose 1 win 13 lose 1 win 13 lose 1 its obvious whats going on. And as far as the number 1 player in the world for the last 3 years when everybody else was having connection issues for this year the number 1 player was not having any trouble what so ever he played all his games just fine set up Poster boy for sds and mlb the show series. And there are others involved as well its a favoritism system. Please do respond with some answers looking forward to the answers also why do they allow ZEN programs to be used and not do anything about the accounts its on you tube all over they need to Ban peoples accounts for using ZEN. Also when people call other people a bad word why do they not BAN them for it they just continue to let people play anyways when it states very clearly in the TOS they will Ban them for that kind of stuff. whats the reason for it
They did say pinpoint is the most accurate, and when they introduced perfect/perfect they said youd see it more using zone hitting.
and they do ban ppl for language and cheating and tos violations -
Well its in the TOS if you use an exploit in the game you will be banned. What about the walk glitch this year. And last year it was the retro glitch to get to prestiege its in the TOS why do they not follow it I mean people use a known glitch in the game and they do nothing about it what so ever. This game and other mlb the show games are pre determined before the game starts. I mean EA sports is bad but at least when people use known glitches in the game they go by there TOS and Ban people and reset stats. Like in madden or the NHL series. Activision with call of duty there have been alot of bans on there end also. So why cant mlb the show do it.. as far as sds banning people for using the N word they do nothing about it what so ever i know because I had a friend that was called that and the person played the whole year which by the way was last years game.