Hope they save well because 99.9% of these streamers are flashes in the pan
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in YourFriendKyle:
@iambatman7777777 said in YourFriendKyle:
KevinGohd is by far my favorite one to watch, just had to throw that in
He isn’t the [censored] that most the other guys are. Just because you’re good at a video game like Kyle doesn’t mean anything. He treats it like he’s actually a big leaguer. Kevin just has fun and actually has a personality
Do you remember when Joey Gallo owned him? He played Amir Garrett during the early Covid stage when the players weren't playing, and then he heard Gallo plays too occasionally and he called him out. And Gallo responded like who the hell is this kid and what's the point, I'll probably get beat hard just like you would get beat hard when you step on the diamond with me
absolute gold
@iambatman7777777 said in YourFriendKyle:
@schnauzerface said in YourFriendKyle:
@iambatman7777777 said in YourFriendKyle:
Just said he played a 15 inning game on Legend with 5 HITS!!!! 5 HITS!!!! If he cant hit, then how the hell are we supposed to?!?! hahaha
Yeah, but did he bother to look at the screen? Or did he spend the entire game gazing lovingly at himself in a mirror and trying hard to think about baseball?
hahaha well said. he is pretty narcissistic. Mcgunski is usually my go to as far as elite pitchers but hes been busy lately lol so ive been stuck with Kyle
Mcgunski acts like a 10 year old with mental disabilities.... can't imagine much of his audience is above the age of 14
Can't stand Kyle since I saw him get beat in a game where he complained and whibed the whole time then sent a friendly and the guy who was winning just happend to be one of his fans. He talked [censored] about the guy the whole game just because he was losing.
Then the next day he had the nerve to make fun of a guy for sending him a friendly.
He's a narcissistic little shitt. I watch kevin tho he's funny and is a normal player
@go4stros25_psn said in YourFriendKyle:
Can't stand Kyle since I saw him get beat in a game where he complained and whibed the whole time then sent a friendly and the guy who was winning just happend to be one of his fans. He talked [censored] about the guy the whole game just because he was losing.
Then the next day he had the nerve to make fun of a guy for sending him a friendly.
He's a narcissistic little shitt. I watch kevin tho he's funny and is a normal player
You just described almost every streamer
@the_dragon1912 said in YourFriendKyle:
@raesone_psn said in YourFriendKyle:
You know what's a shame, I really used to enjoy Samuel Adams and I still think he's a good dude. But he has moved from Flordia to CA to share a house with Kyle, and it shows unfortunately. He's taking over some of those little things that Kyle does and it's such a darn shame.
Kyle is a lot of the reason this community has gotten so toxic in recent years too IMO. It makes no sense that he of all of them has the biggest following of MLB the show content creators
This is more a reflection on society. I think him and a ton of streamers are tools. Congrats to them for getting so many subs.
I wouldn't pee on YFK if he was on fire. Probably grab some marshmellows.
I was once in a freeze off with him a couple years back which was my only encounter with him playing online. He tried to trick me and told me he had already quit, and congratulated me on the win as if I was going to fall for it. How shady.
On a side note:
He use to post videos of his girlfriend in the background looking bored doing her nails or something. But never again since then. My take is, either he chose the game over her, or she left him because of the game. (My apologies if you are able to relate.)
Fuzzy hides stuff tho, Only uploads games he wins , he played 4 games one day i got matched up against him i smoked him 9-1 and he only uploaded the other 3 he didn't play bad in , This was last year cause i wanted to watch the game we played to see his reactions
@thegreatwilliss_xbl said in YourFriendKyle:
Fuzzy hides stuff tho, Only uploads games he wins , he played 4 games one day i got matched up against him i smoked him 9-1 and he only uploaded the other 3 he didn't play bad in , This was last year cause i wanted to watch the game we played to see his reactions
He doesn’t hide it. He says it sometimes before the video.
Can’t stand kyle 🤮
@lewisnadasurf1_psn said in YourFriendKyle:
@thegreatwilliss_xbl said in YourFriendKyle:
Fuzzy hides stuff tho, Only uploads games he wins , he played 4 games one day i got matched up against him i smoked him 9-1 and he only uploaded the other 3 he didn't play bad in , This was last year cause i wanted to watch the game we played to see his reactions
He doesn’t hide it. He says it sometimes before the video.
he never uploads video he gets smoked in alot of the others still upload them
Kevin doesn't give himself enough credit. He's always saying he is trash at the game, yet he was 1 game away from WS last season while using teams of out-of-position fielders and other crazy stuff.
@wingspan1985_psn said in YourFriendKyle:
Kevin doesn't give himself enough credit. He's always saying he is trash at the game, yet he was 1 game away from WS last season while using teams of out-of-position fielders and other crazy stuff.
You do realise the Kevin you see now is a character he mostly plays.
If you watch his earlier videos he is a different normal young man.
His moody miserable persona is really smart and funny. IMO.
He is pretty decent at the game. But it’s his job. So I’d expect him to be quite good
I cant see the benefit or enjoyment from watching any of these people. Each time I have tried to watch one of these, they come off as complete douchebags.
I like JV, Samuel Adams, Dimmu and Ray Cheesy. Probably should throw in Cinny too, I love him getting pissed and yelling lol Kevin is funny too
@schnauzerface said in YourFriendKyle:
@iambatman7777777 said in YourFriendKyle:
Just said he played a 15 inning game on Legend with 5 HITS!!!! 5 HITS!!!! If he cant hit, then how the hell are we supposed to?!?! hahaha
Yeah, but did he bother to look at the screen? Or did he spend the entire game gazing lovingly at himself in a mirror and trying hard to think about baseball?
or ask ten year olds to rate his drip? Poor guy isn't even tall enough to ride most rides at six flags
Hes a stooge.
I think he was a legitimate top player and he build his twitch stream and YouTube in the "past". I used to watch him for tips, but now it is all pandering, which is understandable... I mean.. Twitch and "hot tub streams... Ear licking." Hey thanks for being my King and gifting 500 subs you cutie pie. I don't get the hate. Happens like all the time and everywhere.
CBrev all day. Chill, mature, just about the game, and no over the top BS.
How sick is everyone of INSANE being in every [censored] title????
Scuffy and Mills are good for baseball conversation.