Need tips for flipping stubs
I’m sitting at 170k stubs at the moment, and would like to know your strategy when it comes to flipping stubs. And what you would suggest I do. My goal is to have enough stubs to last until end game.
No offense man, but nobody really wants to give away their secrets.
@ivanthejet_psn said in Need tips for flipping stubs:
I’m sitting at 170k stubs at the moment, and would like to know your strategy when it comes to flipping stubs. And what you would suggest I do. My goal is to have enough stubs to last until end game.
There is no one strategy. Most times i just look for margins that i deem desirable and put orders in and then later go and sell them. I like to put orders in at night too and then sell in the afternoon.
@bbsoli15_psn said in Need tips for flipping stubs:
No offense man, but nobody really wants to give away their secrets.
Just asking for tips. You don’t have to share if you don’t want. There are plenty of friendly people willing to help on here. Keep your secrets.
@bwheel1977_psn said in Need tips for flipping stubs:
@ivanthejet_psn said in Need tips for flipping stubs:
I’m sitting at 170k stubs at the moment, and would like to know your strategy when it comes to flipping stubs. And what you would suggest I do. My goal is to have enough stubs to last until end game.
There is no one strategy. Most times i just look for margins that i deem desirable and put orders in and then later go and sell them. I like to put orders in at night too and then sell in the afternoon.
Thank you. I have a basic knowledge of flipping this way. I’m more curious on flipping stubs based on investments on cards that can potentially explode in prices. I’ve heard a few things about BR and WS cards but I’m not entirely sure what cards to invest in.
With just 170K in stubs you need to be flipping and worry about investments for when you have a bigger bankroll IMO.
170K really isn't enough to try to capitalize on investment potential as you need a cushion to carry you should a card not go diamond when you.expect/hope it to.
Last update for example: I had 170 Barnes, 140 albies,.125 Walsh, 125 peralta. That's a lot of stubs sunk into investments. 2 of them went diamond but I was left holding the bag on peralta and Walsh which is fine for me because I still had over 4M stubs. But that might have been an issue if I had only 500K stubs, esp with them releasing things this week that needed stubs to complete.
@ivanthejet_psn said in Need tips for flipping stubs:
@bwheel1977_psn said in Need tips for flipping stubs:
@ivanthejet_psn said in Need tips for flipping stubs:
I’m sitting at 170k stubs at the moment, and would like to know your strategy when it comes to flipping stubs. And what you would suggest I do. My goal is to have enough stubs to last until end game.
There is no one strategy. Most times i just look for margins that i deem desirable and put orders in and then later go and sell them. I like to put orders in at night too and then sell in the afternoon.
Thank you. I have a basic knowledge of flipping this way. I’m more curious on flipping stubs based on investments on cards that can potentially explode in prices. I’ve heard a few things about BR and WS cards but I’m not entirely sure what cards to invest in.
Well there is no science to that either. I invest in cards i think have a good chance to up a level in updates. For example, 2 weeks ago i was investing in joey gallo and bought 50 of them for 1000 stubs a piece with the thought he would go diamond in a couple updates. He ended up going diamond the next update so i profited 4000 stubs per card. That allowed me to be ready for the ohtani set. Just pay attention to who is having good weeks and try to get on them early. If you are told who to invest in then it's to late to make big profit.
@bbsoli15_psn said in Need tips for flipping stubs:
No offense man, but nobody really wants to give away their secrets.
There is not really a secret to it, all you have to do is look for large gaps between buy now and sell now and account for the tax.
@ivanthejet_psn said in Need tips for flipping stubs:
I’m sitting at 170k stubs at the moment, and would like to know your strategy when it comes to flipping stubs. And what you would suggest I do. My goal is to have enough stubs to last until end game.
Flip Topps now cards
Position your hand like you are holding a full glass of water, put you thumb under your index finger last knuckle, place the "stub" or any object small in size on top, then lift up on your thumb with force shooting your stub in the air. You can add a quick wrist turn, palm up, after flipping your stub and then catch it.
@ivanthejet_psn said in Need tips for flipping stubs:
I’m sitting at 170k stubs at the moment, and would like to know your strategy when it comes to flipping stubs. And what you would suggest I do. My goal is to have enough stubs to last until end game.
I posted some tips in this thread "TY FOR SELLING YOUR RARE BR AND WS CARDS!"
Best time to flip is when a collection, packs or flash sale drops. That's when the margins tend to increase or you can buy cards at the bottom.
@bbsoli15_psn said in Need tips for flipping stubs:
No offense man, but nobody really wants to give away their secrets.
I mean this stuff is all over youtube and you can still make stubs flipping fine
Research helps. Easier done on a computer than a phone, too.
It’s always good to check cards in marketplace to see what they have been buying and selling for in recent history so you’re not buying too high or selling too low.
Supply and demand… comes with experience to know when certain packs appear (or disappear), something is about to happen to their value.
Helpful hint… I’ve found Topps now are cheapest when first released.
Topps now will become more expensive when monthly rewards are released.
Topps now are easiest sets to attain, and a lot of people have access to them. So they’re easy to flip when the margins are there, because people are stocking them up for collections, and people sell them quickly to liquidate stubs more immediately. -
@bbsoli15_psn said in Need tips for flipping stubs:
No offense man, but nobody really wants to give away their secrets.
Don't think the 500 views on this forum are going to make a difference vs 50k+ youtube subscribers on multiple channels. No harm in sharing. Spread the love.
Thanks everyone for the tips!!
You got to study the market. This year the market has been all over the place. There’s no card or cards that are going to net you 10k a flip. Lots of 1k-2k flips. If you see a card with a good margin go on your phone and see how fast the card has been selling. If a card is selling or being bought every few minutes it going to be quick to flip. I look for hot cards and then abuse them until the margins shirk to nothing. Keep in mind it depends on the time of day. Probably 3pm-9pm is the hottest the market is. If you’re trying to flip cards at 1am it’s going to be slow goings
@ivanthejet_psn said in Need tips for flipping stubs:
I’m sitting at 170k stubs at the moment, and would like to know your strategy when it comes to flipping stubs. And what you would suggest I do. My goal is to have enough stubs to last until end game.
I have been very successful in flipping diamond equipment you don't make big scores but they sell fast
when everyone is looking left you look right. Now is a perfect time to get in on LS gold players that you think will go diamond in two weeks or at least will get closer to 4k when people think it will. I dont care to do the daily individual flips i stick to my long term plays and if one of them goes diamond i get 500k
Buy low and sell high
Margins is where you need to look. If you want to invest in silver that you think will go gold or golds that you think will go diamond you can do that too but that can be risky and tie up your stubs for a while.