Need help hitting
So i I’m new to the The show I play on Xbox
I could you some tips, pointers or just in general help with hitting I always find my self having to pause and either switch from zone, directional,and pure analog
And I get it practice makes everything I get it trust me but there has to be something that worked for someone not talking about glitches or cheats but just all and all something the had helped with hitting
Feel out which one you like the most, but usually zone hitting is the best one to get good at. Go into one of the Strike Zone views so u have a closer view of balls and strikes. Work on recognizing speeds and breaks of various pitches. Then once u have timing keep your eye on ball at all times and move your PCI where u think the ball is going to end up. It gets easier with a lot of practice and experience. But it also helps to learn good vision at the plate so u can work the count and force your opponent to throw u strikes.
Stick with zone hitting, trust me u get the best results … try to pick up on pitcher tendencies … if they constantly pitch inside … set the pci to inside… usually as a default I set my pci up a little high… it’s easier to drop down to a low pitch than to try to catch up to a high fastball… Pony nation welcomes u to the Show
As stated above....use zone hitting and one of the strike zone views that yer comfortable with.
Take a pitch and look for the release point of the pitcher.. Push the pci up to there and then follow the ball as it comes in. Practice,practice practice. Once yer comfortableeeee with thatttt....thennnn pick a spot centerish to start from and react to the ball. Just know that this year the pci doesn't get to the lower corners so leave those go unless yer fighting ta stay alive.
( Oh and no...the pci will NOT move on early or late swings to benefit/ help us. Ever. ) -
There's only 14,000 hitting tips videos on YouTube, try using Google
Thank you everyone for the tips I have been using the zone hitting and the strike zone and I getting better and your 100% right about the hitting vids on YouTube there has to be the same amount of hitting tips as well as jump shot creations for 2k21 now I just have to put in that work and grind thrown some showdowns and get thoses epic cards. But once again thank you everyone for the help and tips I have to say you guys are a lot more help full that the 2k community they are pretty much like adapt or die lol
Zone is best to use, but directional can help by giving you a bit of time to figure out the swing timing, pitch recognition and situations……so just go into a vs cpu match and with every AB just take pitches untill you have 2 strikes on you, this way you can start to get a feel for the pitches, also although you can get hits off the first pitch, it usually results in a pop up, just sit on a pitch for a bit, if I’m too late or early on fastballs i don’t try to hit them so much and just wait on an off speed (usually a change up) and rip it…..there is lots of little things but the best advice I could give is pick a camera view you like (I use strike zone 2) and stick with it……take pitches so you can wear down the pitcher and also see more of his pitches…..but the most important of all is don’t let it frustrate you, just stay relaxed, and you will improve…….I’m not the best player infact I mostly play offline this year, but that’s what i feel I have picked up over my years of playing the show….have fun with it man
Use zone hitting and TAKE PITCHES. I think the key to being an above average hitter is working counts. Every ball you take on a certain pitch, the pitcher loses confidence in that pitch. The more they lose confidence the easier it should be to hit. Also, the pitcher loses overall confidence which when low enough you should be able to get more balls to hit hard. Then add in stamina loss and you've built yourself a nice advantage. Most of the time, I'm trying to win the game in 4-7th inning. I don't get too discouraged if I'm losing before the 4th as long as I've gotten the pitch count up (I try to get them to throw 15+ pitches per inning).
If you go in free swinging and missing pitches, the opposite happens. When you're at this point in the year when everyone has end game pitchers, you're basically screwed if the pitcher confidence gets too high.
@xx-pisciotta_xbl said in Need help hitting:
There's only 14,000 hitting tips videos on YouTube, try using Google
...or he can ask here in the COMMUNITY forum. Don't be a [censored].