Strike zone simulator.
General Discussion
I was watching a game the other day and saw the umpire make A bad strike zone call. I wondered if I were in his place, that I would make the right call. Anyway, I googled strike zone simulator to see if I could find something to test my strikezone judgement from the perspective of an umpire, and I couldn't find anything very good out there. I think it would be great if SDS could add a strikezone simulator as a mini game feature. Maybe even a feature similar to the old MLB, "You make the call" where a simulated play is made and you have to make the right call. It would be a nice diversion from the grind. Just an idea.
Guess it's a bad idea.
Meh, is still like to see how well I could call balls and strikes.
I would play that.
Jul 6, 2021, 4:36 PM
Jul 7, 2021, 7:48 PM