POTM is wack
Buxton is a bench rider as will whoever this months lightning card will be
Then don't do the program and take your 120k+ stubs? Even if you don't want the cards POTM programs are a win/win
@sportpimpin_xbl said in POTM is wack:
Buxton is a bench rider as will whoever this months lightning card will be
He isn’t for someone who hasn’t done the live series
Cool story? Programs aren't exactly beast players for the top tier people to use, they are fun players to use for a bit and bench or use for some sort of theme team
Buxton is a good no money spent card
POTM and Topps cards are sneaky amazing as they still get live series perks, unlike all other FB cards that only get the useless perks. They play well above their ratings
It adds tons of variety and makes lots of current players useable. It's a huge win
@sportpimpin_xbl said in POTM is wack:
Buxton is a bench rider as will whoever this months lightning card will be
<looks at his no money spent, no market flipping, offline only team>
Not True.
Buxton still starts for me and I’ve done the live series collection. I’ve really liked that card a lot. I believe POTM and Topps Now are also the only cards that come with the live series quirks.
Yea Buxton and TN Escobar are in my starting “god squad” lineup. Sorry you need higher overall meta cards to use. Some of us actually use different cards.... go figure
Buxton is really good. Hits bombs, is quick and has a cannon for an arm.
I think he’s better than Trout personally
That 84 Fuentes is really solid. Can get him to Diamond fielding at 3B. His weakness is RH power, otherwise he’s very well balanced. I hit really well with him and start him when Nolan is playing down against righties.
I get more excited about the mid diamonds than the lightning card.
Buxton is an awesome piece. He’s not starting for me but having an amazing defense/PR bench piece who hits both sides with avg and power is awesome. He’s probably my most versatile bench piece. What’s not to like?
Buxton is a monster leadoff hitter.
O the POTM don't stay in lineups or are bench bats huh? Tell that to the Bellinger from 2019. Absolute beast and it was in my lineup from the day it came out until the last day of the game. But hey to each there own.
@lazy_toast_psn said in POTM is wack:
Yea Buxton and TN Escobar are in my starting “god squad” lineup. Sorry you need higher overall meta cards to use. Some of us actually use different cards.... go figure
Says the guy using a free card everyone has
shyt writes itself sometimes I swear
@sportpimpin_xbl said in POTM is wack:
Buxton is a bench rider as will whoever this months lightning card will be
I don’t love Buxton, but he’s the best defensive CF we’ll have all year. You’d be surprised how many runs he’ll save you over the course of time.
I have the live series done and Buxton is still my starting CF, he’s amazing and free...
No valid reason to complain about the POTM program
I’ve finished all collections and Buxton is still my starting CF. He’s still hitting above .400 with stupid power and his defense is the best in the game. I think he’s a top 3 outfielder in the game right now.
Not mad at any content but imo these should be usable cards I wouldn't start Buxton over bellinger or ohtani and that doesn't even include Trout Finley or Soriano Buxton is a bench bat utilized in late game situations against left handed pitching that's alot of excluding situations for him he's fast and that's it that's a big deal but that's it he's like a one or 2 tool player