Hitting tip request
So as long as I’ve been playing the show, there is one thing I have ALWAYS struggled with when hitting: dropping the PCI too far and getting pop ups. Does anyone have any tips they use to avoid this? I can’t be the only ones.
Also I’d like to save someone the trouble: “git gud brah”. There. First tip is out of the way.
Have you tried keeping the pci up in the zone before the pitch comes?
This year I’veen working on controlling the left stick with the joint of my thumb instead of the tip of the thumb. I don’t drop the pci as much and high cheese just isn’t worth the effort.
I’m an improved but far from good hitter.
@random_schmuck_psn said in Hitting tip request:
I think I'm gonna try this when I get back home. My problem is I get excited when the pitch is coming and over compensate my pci placement. Just got to work on slightly moving it I guess. Easier said then done.
@argentin32_xbl said in Hitting tip request:
Have you tried keeping the pci up in the zone before the pitch comes?
Yeah, I start high and to the side the pitcher is throwing from. It happens when I overreact to pitches down in the zone. I’d say pitches a third of the way up are my kryptonite
Before the pitch offline practice moving your pci in small smooth motions to get a feel for how little you actually have to move it around.
So when I'm struggling, I'm just like you, I go "past" the ball.
What I notice when I'm struggling like this, (after tons of ABs trying to figure it out) - it's actually a good thing. What it means, is that your pitch recognition is getting so good, that you're seeing where the ball is going fast enough, that by the time you hit X, timing the pitch coming in, your finger is already past it.
A good way to ask if you're having the same issue I have when I'm struggling - are you also almost always early on outside low breaking pitches? If so, it means that you're recognizing things faster than you need to.
What that means - start your movement later. Don't change anything else. Give yourself a second to be sure you're reading the pitch. Throw away the inside fastball if you need to for a little bit - even if a guy sees it as a weakness they won't keep going to it over and over and over. Start a quarter second/half second later for moving your thumb.
It sounds counter intuitive. But it's worked for me. Usually this "struggle" happens to me when I just came out of a HOF or Legend game offline and then just played All Star online, but a multitude of things can make it happen.
Anyway, if you're getting "past" the ball like you're saying, start later.
@pats1124_psn said in Hitting tip request:
So as long as I’ve been playing the show, there is one thing I have ALWAYS struggled with when hitting: dropping the PCI too far and getting pop ups. Does anyone have any tips they use to avoid this? I can’t be the only ones.
Also I’d like to save someone the trouble: “git gud brah”. There. First tip is out of the way.
Saw this a while back a few years ago the ole rubber band trick. Put a rubber band around the joy stick and below the L2 trigger for PlayStation. It prevents you from pulling down too much
for me, the way to solve the struggle at the plate is to make few changes on PCI
PCI center: whatever you like
PCI inner: none
PCI outer: none
the most important thing
PCI fadeout: ALL
then you can focus on the pitch more -
I know what you mean. I’m better at pitches at the bottom of the zone than those six inches above it.
Have you tried starting with the PCI sitting low in the zone and reacting upwards as needed? That’s how I sit in situations where I don’t want to ground into a double play. I’m just curious if you would overreact the same way moving the PCI up as needed instead of down. -