I'm sure this has been mentioned before; but....
Is there anyway that we can get the Progress screen, after a game is over, to show ALL the progress we just made?
Not just what progress was made on TAs that are already at 100% completion?
Also, of something is completed at 100%; why does it still calculate more progress?
Not that I am aware of. Its kind of annoying and pointless to see inning tallies for the 100% TA1 programs that I cannot possibly progress further in.
This has been posted before and I believe the other OP sent in a ticket regarding this. Hope it’s an easy fix.
I’d rather have a tab on player cards showing me which active missions a card can contribute to.
Yeah. I just got about 10 TA packs abc I gave no clue where from where I earned them.
We'll technically I know theyre from the TA 2; but I have no clue from what division and what I accomplished yo earn them.v