Using experience and equipment
Hello, I’m a new player and not a gamer, can someone please tell me how to use the experience I gain and the equipment as well please, many thanks
The experience (XP) you gain while playing is automatically applied to the current inning program. Right now is the second inning, soon to be third this Friday. You will earn stubs, packs, and all types of different rewards. If you haven't done it yet, I would recommend looking in your packs tab, you may have some available that you have earned. As far as equipment is concerned, thats almost solely for Road To The Show (RTTS) to help your "ballplayer" have better stats and customized how you prefer.
Thanks for your answer, I found how to use the stubs and get better players, I just wondered if the XP could be used to buy more players or improve the ones I have, as for the equipment in road to the show, where do I need to go to add them to my player ? Many thanks again