As the kids put it, the market was lit this weekend. Went into Friday with about 75k in stubbs needing Acuna & Freeman for ATL, Belli & Mookie for LA, DeGrom for NY, and Trout. I'm at over 300k right now just needing Trout, plus I've got 8 vouchers down for Rivera. I've only put $50 out of pocket at the drop of the game for some extra stubbs. Not too shabby I'd say.
@scott_larock101 said in Stonks:
As the kids put it, the market was lit this weekend. Went into Friday with about 75k in stubbs needing Acuna & Freeman for ATL, Belli & Mookie for LA, DeGrom for NY, and Trout. I'm at over 300k right now just needing Trout, plus I've got 8 vouchers down for Rivera. I've only put $50 out of pocket at the drop of the game for some extra stubbs. Not too shabby I'd say.
Your not kidding, i needed DeGrom, Bellinger and Betts to complete the collection. I made 150k on Saturday to get DeGrom, that was followed up on Sunday making another 135k and the pulling 2 diamonds (Aroldis Chapman and Chris Sale from TA 2 packs) to get Bellinger and finally another 125k yesterday to land Betts and have 50k left over. It's been kind of incredible.
Is that Rivera card really worth 500k+? Doesn’t seem to be.
Good job making those stubs.
@untchable704_psn said in Stonks:
Is that Rivera card really worth 500k+? Doesn’t seem to be.
Good job making those stubs.
Maybe not but he won't be the last card in the collections so yes it's worth it.
@samguenther1987 said in Stonks:
@untchable704_psn said in Stonks:
Is that Rivera card really worth 500k+? Doesn’t seem to be.
Good job making those stubs.
Maybe not but he won't be the last card in the collections so yes it's worth it.
He's definitely going to be a part of the Honus/MVP Trout collection down the road.