After 6 years of playing this game I FINALLY MADE WORLD SERIES!!!
I’ve been playing DD since Show 15 and I just now finally did it! I feel like a weight has been lifted off my back & now I can just enjoy the game. I am so f’ing happy!!!!
Congrats dude!!
Nice work! I will probably never get there, haha.
About d-a-m-n time.
Just kidding, congrats.
Git goud!! Oops, I mean awesome
Should be call the galaxy series after that wait
So you’re saying there’s a chance.
Made it once last year and now I’m good. Crossed that off my sports games accomplishments lol. The hardest part is playing that many games to get to 900. 800-900 is like 4-5 wins alone. I maybe play 20 ranked games a “season”. Maybe 100 total in the year.
That's awesome, dude! Nice work!
@sportpimpin_xbl said in After 6 years of playing this game I FINALLY MADE WORLD SERIES!!!:
Should be call the galaxy series after that wait
You’re not wrong
@genopolanco_psn said in After 6 years of playing this game I FINALLY MADE WORLD SERIES!!!:
Made it once last year and now I’m good. Crossed that off my sports games accomplishments lol. The hardest part is playing that many games to get to 900. 800-900 is like 4-5 wins alone. I maybe play 20 ranked games a “season”. Maybe 100 total in the year.
That’s exactly how I feel...I made it once, I’m good lol