Once Again SDS Fails Us All
For God's Sake up the difficulty on BR it's honestly ridiculous on how BS this game has become. two very early hits on sliders OUTSIDE of the zone. and secondly are you guys gonna ever talk about how people lost cards because it's been TWO WEEKS SINCE I LOST TROUT AND YASTRESMZKI AND ALL I GOT WAS A AUTOMATED MESSAGE. sincerely this game has to be the worst released game in all of history and not a single team member there seems to care as long as the money flows right? take all offense to what im about to say because I truly do hope this game gets taken off of PS Store and the Xbox Store as soon as possible until you guys can have it at 100% and make it where people aren't having issues that shouldn't be problems considering you took a month to complete it and somehow you let this piece of garbage get through the tests and didn't see a single issue.
There's absolutely no way this gets taken off of the PS Store