Is the game going to work tonight or not??
We deserve some answers on this. 99% of us have lost more XP, items, and stubs so far this year and we haven’t had any form of compensation for our time lost, or items/stubs/xp lost. And this stuff keeps happening every night.
C’mon SDS.. If you don’t want the community toxic and negative, you guys have to keep people better informed.
It’s Saturday night and the game is down again. Let us know what’s going on.
This is the best version of the show I’ve ever played as far as gameplay goes. And I’ve played this game since PlayStation 2. But this server stuff and the game not working right is so deflating.
Give us an update. If you have better communication with us all, the people will get behind you.
We’re at a tipping point with this game. Things have to start getting better. Or we at least need to know we aren’t playing this game for nothing.
Every player in this community deserves some form of in game payback. Packs, a usable diamond player, stubs, something.
Apparently not. Something has to be done at this point. It is beyond ridiculous and frustrating.
For real. The game plays so great this year. I am LOVING PP pitching. I actually was gonna start H2H play tonight either in BR or RS, probably both. Now I cannot even get into DD.
Or not I'd wager.
At this point, they should just max everyone out for the first inning. I don’t care about the people that cry and played 100 hours to get 650k xp...the rest of us that can’t do that are getting screwed.
I think the gameplay is really good this year, common fielders make errors now and again, My diamond fielders make sick catchs including jumping while still running to catch balls (think its a new animation) the servers are better than they were last week so if they can strengthen the servers within the next week this will be the best MLB game in a while i feel hitting is very rewarding yesterday i squared 3 out of 5 at bats up with muncys 42 card and they went deep (on perfect flyballs) the balls i got under popped up as they should.
its working!