I probably opened over 100 BIAH packs last year and got maybe one or two low diamonds. This year I have already gotten 4 or 5 and I guess that is how it goes. I opened 3 back to back and got Verlander, Machado, and 4 gold players. Anyone else having good luck with these packs this year or do they seem about the same as last year? I have also packed Nola and Devin Williams but I think one of those was a standard pack
I am yet to pull a diamond this year in any non-guaranteed pack. Hoping that when I get my first the floodgates open.
My pack luck has always been trash. Out of the 35 packs you get for the last 10 levels of the 1st Inning Program, i got 3 golds and a [censored] ton of common/bronze. BIAH packs, i get nothing more than gold. People are saying they have luck with the TA packs so im currently grinding for those now.
I started pulling diamonds in those in the 11th inning end of the year program and extre Conquest maps they released. None in 19, none this year yet
My pack luck has been exceptional this year. Nobody’s has been better. However these packs are not good. When they put them for sale I wouldn’t touch them for more than 3k.
When BIAH packs were introduced they were absolute fire for diamond pulls.
Last year and so far this year its basically renamed these packs to Guaranteed Gold Pulls is a habit. Not terrible if you're not spending stubs on them I guess but I just dont have the luck with them like I used to.
Only pack I have pulled a diamond from. Freeman and Aroldis Chapman back to back out of 9 packs. 0 for the rest. I did get a triple gold in one also.
Not much from BIAH, decent luck with TA and Standard. Bought Headliner Pack for Orel the other day. Pulled him with the first Pack. Sold him. Ripped some Standard Packs last night and pulled him again. I've now pulled 2 headliners out of Standard Packs. Got Donaldson back in Week 1
I figured it was just a little luck on my end as the pack odds are the same. I could open another 100 this year and get no additional diamonds so I did not know if maybe others were having better luck with them. At least they are free too