Actual gameplay being overshadowed by server issues.
Aside from the constant server issues, the game itself is great. I think it looks amazing on PS5 and plays really smooth. I try to be positive and look at the brighter side of things. With that being said, the servers are an absolute nightmare. I play more conquest and vs CPU than anything else, but not being able to connect to the market or DD is getting a little ridiculous. DD is the most popular platform for gameplay by far for the game. It has been down probably more than it has been up. I understand a few hiccups are to be expected, and server maintenance is needed from time to time. However every night and multiple times throughout the day is starting to ruin it for me.
I do think that there should be some sort of apology or reward for players that have had to deal with it for the past 2 weeks. I'm not saying that I need a full refund or expecting a handout, but if SDS really cares about the community they should do something to make it right. A lot of people paid top dollar and pre-ordered to play the game.
Just my two cents.
As a PC gamer that only plays the show and maybe 1 or 2 other games on console. I can say that it doesn't run smooth at all on PS4, there's no way it gets anymore than 30 FPS during pitch. I've been playing since around 09' and it seems worse this year than any other.