This version's inability to transport saves from one version to another (20-21) is a COLOSSAL failure and omission. I spend hours creating franchises with historic players. I don't have the time or inclination to do it this year. PLEASE REFUND me. I would not have purchased it if I had known.
Does SD Studios monitor this site or respond to complaints?
Like I replied in your other post, it was announced before the release
Do you regularly go to restaurants, order off the menu and then complain when you get what was on the menu? Because that's kind of what you're doing here. There are things to complain about with launch this year but when you purchase something without doing your research that's on you. Also posting on here is not how you go about getting a refund, you have to contact playstation and from what I've seen in other posts they aren't giving refunds.
I question your experience with restaurants. It must be limited to fast food. Of course I have been disappointed with and complained about meals clearly identified on a menu. If you represent the company, then you should be more effectively trained or fired. You clearly don't know complaint protocols. Instead of apologizing for this colossal omission and offering regrets and restoring my status quo ante, you criticize me. Extremely poor complaint management.
I researched it. I pre-purchased and have always been satisfied. I did not, could not, and would not imagine such a core and critical feature, and one that differentiated this game from others would be removed. Now, The Show is no better than RBI Baseball 21. That is tragic given the history and inadequacy of that game. Why was this feature eliminated?
I question your life experience because if you think this is how you make a formal complaint then you are either very sheltered or just dumb. I have no affiliation with the company at all and of course I'm gonna criticize you for making multiple posts stating the same thing complaining about something that if you did the research you claim you did you would've known it wasn't in the game. You also missed the point of my analogy, if the menu stated something came with a,b and c and you ordered It then complain that b is on it, you are the [censored].
They do respond to some things on here, but it’s probably around 50-50
As @yankblan said, they did announce this before release, even in one of the preview videos. Not many people liked that news (especially RTTS / franchise players), but the general feeling is that it might be a temporary thing until they figure out how to do that with a future version. But yeah, they were up front about that point.
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@drggkelley_psn said in COLOSSAL OMISSION:
This version's inability to transport saves from one version to another (20-21) is a COLOSSAL failure and omission. I spend hours creating franchises with historic players. I don't have the time or inclination to do it this year. PLEASE REFUND me. I would not have purchased it if I had known.
You have to request a refund through Sony support for the PlayStation store.
It was announced by SDS before release. You should have done your homework.
No, SDS should have done their homework and not eliminated the features. Homework is for education, not video game purchasing. I did not research it because I could not conceive they would eliminate such a core feature and one that differentiates the game. RBI 21 is looking a lot better now. This argument is trite. It seems you are not a consumer and are here to dodge and distract. Most consumers would have empathy.
Dude stop whining you sound like my 3 year old