Lets blame Rob Manfred
First things first, I like that the show is on xbox now, its the best baseball game period and everyone should have access to it, no sports games should be exclusives.
They should have brought xbox on a year earlier or at least a year later so they didnt have to deal with next gen launch issues and players being divided so much among 4 different consoles playing.
Mlb forced sds to letting xbox in or they were not going to renew the licensing and we wouldnt have any show at all thus making it rob manfreds fault lol
Then mlb gets control of distribution on xbox and puts it on gamepass leaving sony flapping in the wind. Again all manfreds fault lol
So not only did they force it to be on xbox they flooded the market on xbox making it completely impossible for a game being made on 2 generations of 2 different companies consoles to keep up with demand for servers.
Its all just terrible timing and the result is a complete mess for everyone. I really hope they can resolve everything and make it right because this has been extremely frustrating.
Screw you Manfred! You ruined it for everyone.