Possible Ray Tracing Bug?? - Reflections off of pitcher's uniforms causing ghost/halo images
Anyone else see the halo/blurred image bug? A ghosting/blurred image happens during night games when light reflects off of the pitcher's uniforms.
It seems limited to the reflection off of the pitcher's uniforms. I believe it is possibly a ray-tracing bug? Never seen it before '21.
SDS ... I filed a bug against the issue, along with video that shows the issue. Issue looks a little like the red dinosaur in the image below.
Some possible articles/references regarding what I think is causing the issue.
They haven't even utilized ray tracing.
@greedyg103_xbl said in Possible Ray Tracing Bug?? - Reflections off of pitcher's uniforms causing ghost/halo images:
They haven't even utilized ray tracing.
The ghosting and reflection issue are in game. Fair that it might not be ray tracing. I'm not sure where that would get compiled in. Not sure if it is in the specific app and/or OS layer, or both. Could be implemented in different areas. I had heard that the shadows from the birds were part of the ray-tracing code.
Last night, I saw some of the issues again, in a different part. Reflections off of helmets and also jewelry that a player were wearing. Sparkles/reflections off of the jewelry, yet the ghosting/blurring around the pitcher's uniforms is the most annoying. The white color blurs. Happens in night games. Wasn't in '20.
@tvsectog_psn said in Possible Ray Tracing Bug?? - Reflections off of pitcher's uniforms causing ghost/halo images:
@greedyg103_xbl said in Possible Ray Tracing Bug?? - Reflections off of pitcher's uniforms causing ghost/halo images:
They haven't even utilized ray tracing.
The ghosting and reflection issue are in game. Fair that it might not be ray tracing. I'm not sure where that would get compiled in. Not sure if it is in the specific app and/or OS layer, or both. Could be implemented in different areas. I had heard that the shadows from the birds were part of the ray-tracing code.
Last night, I saw some of the issues again, in a different part. Reflections off of helmets and also jewelry that a player were wearing. Sparkles/reflections off of the jewelry, yet the ghosting/blurring around the pitcher's uniforms is the most annoying. The white color blurs. Happens in night games. Wasn't in '20.
Oh I agree about the issue. I just didn't want you to give them credit for utilizing ray tracing (Next Gen Tech) when they skimped out lol