Matchmaking issue I am seeing
When 900+ ranked players with the best players in the game let their matchmaking queue get into the 5-600's. Seen this a ton. The bar is really not that far either to already be hitting 600 players when you are in the 900's. You are literally playing people that usually play on all star and they have to play legend? Matchmaking bar needs to be adjusted where the rating bar doesn't move as much. It moves way too much now causing an even bigger advantage for high ranked people.
They should make it to where you don't play anyone more than one level below you.
I think once more people are able to get on and grind out RS this will change, I think because of the server issues there probably isn’t a lot of people in those higher divisons yet.
This just in: Demise can't play on Legend because of your Wal-Mart internet.