Smart buying and selling
If you are trying to buy or sell on the community market, enter your amounts up or down respectively by factors of 1,5,10,or even 50stubs. Don't be dumb and raise or lower the price by hundreds or thousands of stubs. This is just silly. Say for instance you want to sell a card that has a current buy now price of 30,500 stubs. The smart thing to do is enter a sale price of 30,499stubs. Don't be an idiot and shoot yourself in the foot by entering a price of 27,000 stubs or some other idiotic amount. This is just nonsense. Just be patient And make more stubs. Why wouldn't you want to make the most stubs or spend the least stubs possible. Don't be community market trolls
squishiesgirlreplied to Drowning_Nebula on Apr 25, 2021, 3:10 PM last edited by squishiesgirl_PSN Apr 25, 2021, 3:10 PM
@drowning_nebula_psn said in Smart buying and selling:
If you are trying to buy or sell on the community market, enter your amounts up or down respectively by factors of 1,5,10,or even 50stubs. Don't be dumb and raise or lower the price by hundreds or thousands of stubs. This is just silly. Say for instance you want to sell a card that has a current buy now price of 30,500 stubs. The smart thing to do is enter a sale price of 30,499stubs. Don't be an idiot and shoot yourself in the foot by entering a price of 27,000 stubs or some other idiotic amount. This is just nonsense. Just be patient And make more stubs. Why wouldn't you want to make the most stubs or spend the least stubs possible. Don't be community market trolls
Been saying this for years....what really gets me is when people start to under bid the low bid
It's so frustrating, I have seen people drop the price by as much as 12k stubs in one go!!! SMH
@drowning_nebula_psn said in Smart buying and selling:
It's so frustrating, I have seen people drop the price by as much as 12k stubs in one go!!! SMH
Yup just to be underbid immediately
Because people don't want to 1 stub, by the time you do there's 20 bids in front of it, people want to make stubs quickly, this is why people do it the way they want to. Nobody wants to just get in line and wait for hours. Sorry, its not going to happen your way.
Or maybe just let people work the market they way they want?
When I want something sold, I'll list it where I wish. Usually 3/4 point between the buy and sell now. It gets sold virtually immediately. I get my margin, and start using the stubs the way I want.
Personally, sitting there playing 1 stub at a time for anything over 10k is ridiculous and a waste of my time.
@jmcdonald1817 said in Smart buying and selling:
Because people don't want to 1 stub, by the time you do there's 20 bids in front of it, people want to make stubs quickly, this is why people do it the way they want to. Nobody wants to just get in line and wait for hours. Sorry, its not going to happen your way.
Exactly, I know what I want to make off certain cards. If a card isn't moving quickly I know the margin to turn a profit. I'm not sitting on 75+ sell orders to be outbid by a few stubbs. If I lose 5-10 stubbs per card so be it. I will flip it twice as fast and have better productivity in the long run.
@drowning_nebula_psn said in Smart buying and selling:
If you are trying to buy or sell on the community market, enter your amounts up or down respectively by factors of 1,5,10,or even 50stubs. Don't be dumb and raise or lower the price by hundreds or thousands of stubs. This is just silly. Say for instance you want to sell a card that has a current buy now price of 30,500 stubs. The smart thing to do is enter a sale price of 30,499stubs. Don't be an idiot and shoot yourself in the foot by entering a price of 27,000 stubs or some other idiotic amount. This is just nonsense. Just be patient And make more stubs. Why wouldn't you want to make the most stubs or spend the least stubs possible. Don't be community market trolls
I couldn't disagree more. Everyone judges "time" and "stubs" differently. Many do not want to take time away from PLAYING The Show 21while babysitting their 1-stub lower bid that's going to get picked to death. If you PLAY the game enough, you will likely earn another card for the same player anyhow. The more time I spend in the community market, the more I feel I'm wasting my time with the market trolls.