Unhandled server exception
I have had an Unhandled server exception 5 times today . I think it unexceptable. fix it now
I was playing a 9-inning vs CPU game. I stopped 2 outs shy of finishing the game because I noticed how screwed the website was and assumed the game servers are just as screwed up again. I'm hoping when I finish the game when I assume servers are better that it will count.
It did work for me. I watched the dashboard area at the community market tab. When that was refreshing pretty good, I finished my game and earned everything. I had new parallels for Soriano, Chipper, and Finley! Glad, I waited!
@pitspen87_psn said in Unhandled server exception:
I have had an Unhandled server exception 5 times today . I think it unexceptable. fix it now
What does unexceptable mean?
@pitspen87_psn said in Unhandled server exception:
I have had an Unhandled server exception 5 times today . I think it unexceptable. fix it now
Whoa settle down tough guy
@ncstatehokie_psn said in Unhandled server exception:
@pitspen87_psn said in Unhandled server exception:
I have had an Unhandled server exception 5 times today . I think it unexceptable. fix it now
What does unexceptable mean?
Lol didn't catch that
@ncstatehokie_psn said in Unhandled server exception:
@pitspen87_psn said in Unhandled server exception:
I have had an Unhandled server exception 5 times today . I think it unexceptable. fix it now
What does unexceptable mean?
It means none of us are exempt from the bad servers? Just my guess.
@dap1234567890 said in Unhandled server exception:
@ncstatehokie_psn said in Unhandled server exception:
@pitspen87_psn said in Unhandled server exception:
I have had an Unhandled server exception 5 times today . I think it unexceptable. fix it now
What does unexceptable mean?
It means none of us are exempt from the bad servers? Just my guess.
Maybe it's a play on exception
Expect the unaccepted