RTTS Broken with MyBallplayer
I love to play different positions and start different RTTS saves with different teams. With the "MyBallPlayer" I can start different RTTS but it's always the same player and the attributes carry from saves to saves...
Which means I can start a new save but the player is already a beast at the AA level... No progression, no fun... We need to be able to have multiple Ball Player or RTTS is now a worthless game mode...
The mode is not meant to build a player from the minor to the major anymore... It's about building a Beast that slams dingers and throw fireballs effortlessly...
Realism and ability to have fun build different player is gone... Please patch this and make it possible again to have different players with different careers with different attributes... Using loadouts of the same player over and over without the ability to start from scratch on different RTTS Personnas is Boring...
I deeply regret my purchase... Please fix it...