Minor bugs found in '21
Support just seems to close cases not knowing actual issues, so dropping some bugs here as well (and I opened bugs for all of below as well). Anyway, some small things that would be great if they could be fixed in one of the coming software updates.
There is a small bug on Xbox systems that if you are doing something, say Conquest, and step away for 5 minutes and then come back and the program crashes. Looks like a network issue, that once a timeout occurs the system can't re-establish it's state. Seen it mostly in Conquest.
There is a graphic halo/blur/light reflecting issue with the pitchers' uniforms against the batter's eye. The white color of the pitcher's uniforms is causing a halo/ghosting/blur of the image. It happens often at Coors field, Target Field and other fields. If you look at it closely, you can see that root cause of the issue is a white background (like a tree that also has some white in it that gets blurred against the pitcher's uniform.
Please recompile the code against the Playstation and Microsoft 120fps patches to bring 120fps to the game, as both systems now have the system patches out to run at 120fps.
Your support page separates issue by platform, yet there are issues that are common across all platforms. Please add a 'Common to both Platforms' bug reporting link.
The replay code is tied directly into the scoreboard code. If a person turns off the scoreboard display (for example, to prevent burn-in), they then lose replay L2 functionality. Can you disassociate the replay L2 code from the scoreboard code so that even if the scoreboard is disabled that we can still initiate replays?
Can you add the distance the ball traveled in the air directly into the hitter's feedback?? Lots of good metrics are in the hitter's feedback, yet if you can also add in the distance the ball traveled in the air that would also be great/greatly appreciated.
I participated in the tech trial as a PS4 user, yet I bought the game as an Xbox Series X user. I don't have a PS5 that I can play the game on, so I can't access my 'tech trial pack' to bring it over to my Xbox. I don't know how to fix the issue on my end.