How do I fix my late timing? (Hitting)
I am consistently late when it comes to hitting. Yes I am using zone. If you played against me and threw me 10 pitches in one AB I would be late on 11 out 10. I've watch youtube videos on how to hit. I've watch Koogs46, Healy6 MovieGamingTV and like four other youtubers who have hitting videos out. Yet I am consistently late I switched up cameras, PCI colors and shapes. Just trying different thing the only consistent thing is I'm late or way late. Now maybe my messed up controls have something to do it, hopefully I get a brand new one on Friday. But it's frustrating to me the fact I'm consistently seeing late on the feedback is really frustrating and disappointing. Especially since I haven't even played against online competition. This all has been CPU pitching. Moments, Conquest and othe offline stuff. I've been trying to get a timing groove down. I look at the pitcher leading leg when he lifts it the look for the ball being separated from the glove then when her getting ready to release the ball. Yet I'm late on 97% of the pitches I see so far. No I do not wear glasses I have 20/20 vision and I see great. But for some reason my eyes cant seem to catch up to the ball. I would gladly take any tips and tricks to speed up my timing. I had a friend who even wears glasses who was hitting way more successful than I was and his vision is pretty bad. I NEED HELP! I can go online with how awful I am at hitting.
The number 1 thing to help pitch timing, especially if late, is make sure TV Monitor is on Game Mode.
First question I have is whether or not your using a monitor or TV? The monitors can make a major difference in speed and ability to hit which is why most of the top players use a monitor or a tv with really good input lag times.
Second stop thinking so much about leg timing/hand timing etc. just like in real life the more you think the slower your response time is. That stuff is good to work on to create subconscious reactions, but if your thinking about it too much when the pitch is coming you’ve already lost.
Best advice max out your sliders for speed, go into practice, set it to legend and just react and hit. Don’t think just try and hit with that setup, then go into a game and the speed will seem a lot slower and manageable