Changing Team Catchers Chest Protector
I cannot see the ball trail when pitching and have tried several times to change the chest protector color to very dark to get more contrast. I am able to change under "customize team" and "uniforms" both home and away but when I play a game of conquest the color changes back to the original team color (which is yellow). Very difficult and guessing at times when pitching..... there must be a different way change, any ideas? Thanks
Change pitching view?
Strike zone. You wont see the catcher
I prefer Broadcast as view and fading trail. It is visible with solid trail and works great in custom view. Again, have been playing many many years and prefer Broadcast. I changed the catchers equipment to black and saved but still shows up as yellow chest protector. I guess I will hang a bit and see if its something someone else encounters or maybe a bug waiting for fix, thanks
Hi, I have the same problem. Any solution? Thanks.