Gamepass ver coming to xcloud as well
I thought about ps version as always but now mlb the show is coming to xcloud as well so you don't even need an Xbox. I will check xcloud first as it's coming to windows/ios hopefully by the end of the month as well. If latency in online play is an issue you could still do some grinding on your phone wherever, just imagine the possibilities, can't wait!
Xcloud is a nice feature and all, but I can't imagine it would work so well in a game like MLB which requires precise timing. I tried to play via remote play on my Vita a few times, and there is just too much lag to do anything more than move through the menus/collections and maybe play the CPU in conquest on a really low difficulty level. If you want to just mess around while away from your console that's one thing, but as a primary means of playing it would likely be a huge disappointment.
Who knows until we try it but I played Destiny 2 on an Android tablet a couple weeks ago and was shocked how good it was.
I agree, it's worth testing out. Ps remote is absolutely shait in terms of latency so wouldn't even compare xcloud to ps remote. I think with a good wifi connection or wired when available on windows you should be able to get a good game against cpu, and online, who knows..