Perfect Perfect Confusion
Playing showdown I just got a “Perfect Perfect “ Flyball with Justin Upton (83 PWR v. Right) and the ball did not go out. I thought I heard them say on stream that anyone with over 80 PWR who hit a “Perfect Perfect” was guaranteed a homer? Am I wrong here?
Dunno but ive hit several perfects and some were HRs, some werent.. was random
Yeah Minute Maid is the only park where it happens it seems, this happened to me with Nelson Cruz
It's not a guaranteed homer and they never said it was. It has a high percentage of being a homer or a gapper, but there are no guarantees in anything my friend.
There are perfect perfect fly balls, line drives and grounders. You have to have the perfect perfect fly one for it to guarantee it goes, line drives can go too, but sometimes they hit the wall, become line outs, go to the gap etc. ground ones same thing, they’re smoked but sometimes they’re outs, most of they time they’re base hits or hard ground outs. It’s working great so far. Love hitting this year