Community Market for 20 is really slow
Apologies if there's already an answer out there but is there a reason the website for the community market this year is so slow? Really makes flipping much harder. Is it just something to be chalked up to the recent release of the game [and that it'll get better over time]?
The standard editions have yet to be released so most of the community has not been able to play.
Sorry, I didn't even clarify that I meant the website
What's the web address for this year's market?
MLB 20 site can be found here:
Market for MLB 20 can be found here:
100xs better right now.
still slow for me or at least inconsistent
Very slow for me as well, extremely frustrating.
Same here. I appreciate the reply though, it's good to know you guys are aware! I just hope it gets up to speed by tomorrow night/Tuesday as I was definitely planning on making some good stubs at work.
I can't log into the mobile marketplace, keeps giving errors when loading the log in screen.
On a Google pixel
still insanely slow.
getting 404 errors alot refreshing player cards trying to buy and sell.
I must be lucky, cuz it’s working well for me.
Quick QOL request if any of the devs are still following the thread: can we get a display of our current stubs on the card display without having to go into place an order?
For example, I click on the card and have a banner near the “buy” and “sell” button that shows how many stubs before we click anything.
Horrendous. Constant 504 gateway time outs. Pages just hang half the time. Last year's website was and is still so much faster and usable. I cant even list a card half the time that I want to sell. PLEASE FIX THIS!
It has slowed back down and getting errors more often than not now.
Website is working incredibly this morning. Possibly unrelated question... would there be any way to add a filter in the inventory section for untradeable cards?
Whatever changed PLEASE KEEP IT THE WAY IT IS. It is very quick now!