Removing OVR restrictions on events
I believe if you are a player who has a ton of great cards, I dont think there should be a restriction on OVR of your team in events. Plus what a pain in the [censored] to keep having to reset your team when you lose...
Absolutely! Especially now.
It's absolutely unnecessary and is a big quality of life crutch.
I'd actually consider playing if the OVR wasn't there. Forcing us to manipulate commons in at this stage is ridiculous.
I think there should be even more restrictions, make the OVR 85 to 90
@ayman718 said in Removing OVR restrictions on events:
I think there should be even more restrictions, make the OVR 85 to 90
Why many people still playing have all 99s
@ayman718 said in Removing OVR restrictions on events:
I think there should be even more restrictions, make the OVR 85 to 90
Maybe if it saved the lineups that would be fine, but do you know how much of a nightmare it would be to constantly get your team back to that overall everytime you reenter? I'd probably never touch events period.
99 OVR teams are boring and require no strategy, everyone just wants the easy way i see
@ayman718 said in Removing OVR restrictions on events:
99 OVR teams are boring and require no strategy, everyone just wants the easy way i see
Yes I do because I wanna use my 99s lol
@ayman718 said in Removing OVR restrictions on events:
99 OVR teams are boring and require no strategy, everyone just wants the easy way i see
I just want to not have to spend 5 minutes reducing my team every time I reenter, until teams are able to be saved, having 85 overall restrictions at this time of year is impractical.
I didn't play for 9 months to be forced to shuffle in obsolete cards and commons.
@ayman718 said in Removing OVR restrictions on events:
99 OVR teams are boring and require no strategy, everyone just wants the easy way i see
If u want strategy BR is the place for u
I prefer overall restrictions. I enjoy using cards in events that I may not have used at the beginning of the year. I never used Matt Carpenter before this event. Same with Brad Miller and some pitchers. I enjoy the variety.
Here is an idea, if your going to say it’s 95 overall, then load cards that are 95 and lower. That way we don’t have to reduce the lineup to meet the standards. But hey that’s just common sense
@beanball0571 said in Removing OVR restrictions on events:
Here is an idea, if your going to say it’s 95 overall, then load cards that are 95 and lower. That way we don’t have to reduce the lineup to meet the standards. But hey that’s just common sense
I agree and see so many other people saying they dont play the event because its a pain... takes me 10 minutes to figure out a team