Predictions for ps5
I’m not a video game person, just a baseball nut. Someone told me about mlb the show back in 17 so I bought a PS4 for that. Really the only game I play. Right now it seems like getting a ps5 is about as likely as winning the lottery or pulling trout early in the season. For those who were around foe PS4 launches and Xbox etc do you expect the ps5 inventory to catch up by the time mlb 21 comes out? My plan was to get ps5 and get mlb 21 for ps5 but I have no idea how well Sony planned for this and not sure if COVID will play into supply chain issues etc.
Yes. After the holidays and initial craziness with bots and such there certainly will be more inventory by the time MLB 21 comes out. I wouldn't count on MLB 21 on PS5 to be released in march though. When the PS4 launched MLB 14 launched in March on the PS3 and May on the PS4. I would expect a similar timeline for MLB 21