Yep. You can tell it's a content weekend.
Servers are HORRIBLE
Man, I feel you. I don’t know if it’s because of where I live or what but I know what it feels like to be on each side of the algorithm in their software that decides which person is allowed to hit home runs and who isn’t. The algorithm that decides who gets a significant advantage over the other player to the point where I think that I’m experiencing a completely different game on my end. It definitely exists and I don’t know where down the line my IP got flagged as one of the ones that has that “BS Switch” turned on permanently against them...but here I sit, hoping that I’ll one day get to experience the version of MLB The Show online that I enjoyed so much during the first 2 weeks of this game’s lifecycle. Not only did they F the gameplay into oblivion with that first hitting patch, but I don’t think I will ever be on a level playing field with my opponents again. I just wish someone on the development side would see my IP and realize they forgot to turn that “permanent disadvantage” switch off. I just pray this game comes to PC so I can hopefully build one with enough hardware power to offset their BS algorithm that has made this game so frustrating.
I just lost a couple games to guys I know I am much better than...despite striking them each out double digits, me striking out about 5x a game, everything I felt I squared up was warning track ( even a perfect with Griffey off a RHP that would have tied the game landed short of warning track)...
Just knew the kids were against me the whole time, very frustrating as I felt I was really being patient and seeing the ball well but no reward.
I have never posted on this forum about how the gameplay ruined one of my online games, but for the first time:
Last night, I played a friend who I routinely play against in a custom league setting - our games are usually tight. It was definitely something weirder than I had experienced before. A 96 mph fastball felt like 110. Even when I squared one up, it would be a routine flyball. His balls seems to get launched so far, it was alarming. I ended up getting mercied and although I didn’t think too much of it, your post now makes me wonder.
I agree. 11th inning came out, new event, etc Friday and with 2000
needed to complete the 11th inning program, people are trying to grind it out as far as they can. The servers will probably be spotty if it's content related a while unfortunately.