Conquest Extreme
@James97M said in Conquest Extreme:
@Boneman05 said in Conquest Extreme:
I have had to restart a few times as you have to in order to get all the turn based ones ones done. It try to get a many strongholds done in one shot as I could. The Astros definitely have the trash can banging in the extreme cause I had them 3-1 and the game grooved a Rollie forkball and slider to guys who had pretty much no power and they hit bombs.
I wish you started off with a few more fans cause it is hard to move in a single turn when the strongholds are just far enough away that you have to do all star or higher to get farther.
My plan is to get the one side done then restart and do the other side.
Don't you have to have all captured at once to complete the map? Does that mean you have to beat every stronghold twice?
You don’t have to capture all at once but you have to capture it by a certain turn in order to count towards the extreme goals. You will probably have to beat each team multiple times cause there is not a reall way to complete it in one turn. Unless you steal fans at legend level each round
@Boneman05 said in Conquest Extreme:
@James97M said in Conquest Extreme:
@Boneman05 said in Conquest Extreme:
I have had to restart a few times as you have to in order to get all the turn based ones ones done. It try to get a many strongholds done in one shot as I could. The Astros definitely have the trash can banging in the extreme cause I had them 3-1 and the game grooved a Rollie forkball and slider to guys who had pretty much no power and they hit bombs.
I wish you started off with a few more fans cause it is hard to move in a single turn when the strongholds are just far enough away that you have to do all star or higher to get farther.
My plan is to get the one side done then restart and do the other side.
Don't you have to have all captured at once to complete the map? Does that mean you have to beat every stronghold twice?
You don’t have to capture all at once but you have to capture it by a certain turn in order to count towards the extreme goals. You will probably have to beat each team multiple times cause there is not a reall way to complete it in one turn. Unless you steal fans at legend level each round
If you steal on HoF you can do this in two trys. You might be able to steal some on AS and do it in 2 trys.
So what I’ve taken from this is to just start the map and beat it all, then restart and do turn based. Correct?
@KommanderNKeef9 said in Conquest Extreme:
So what I’ve taken from this is to just start the map and beat it all, then restart and do turn based. Correct?
No. That’d take forever.
There’s a few different routes people are taking. Here’s a basic route you could go without making it overly complicated or difficult. -
I'm currently trying it in one shot. You really have to know where to reinforce your territories and play with alot less fans when going for the strongholds, so if you choose this route, be prepared to play on the HOF and Legend alot. We'll see how long I survive. I think I have 5 of the strongholds.
@MrGamebred said in Conquest Extreme:
@KommanderNKeef9 said in Conquest Extreme:
So what I’ve taken from this is to just start the map and beat it all, then restart and do turn based. Correct?
No. That’d take forever.
There’s a few different routes people are taking. Here’s a basic route you could go without making it overly complicated or difficult. could actually take out 14 strong holds in 1 try stealing fans on HOF and I lost two of those games. You just have to plan it out on what strong holds you need by each turn. For example I believe you do not need Bos until turn 4 or 5 so no need to take them on turn three. No reason to skip Was. Before doing Atl you should go across and take out Cin, CHC, and AZ drop down and take out Mil and Atl, NYM and STL.
I took out the following in 1 try.
I'm so confused. Lol
@MrGamebred said in Conquest Extreme:
@KommanderNKeef9 said in Conquest Extreme:
So what I’ve taken from this is to just start the map and beat it all, then restart and do turn based. Correct?
No. That’d take forever.
There’s a few different routes people are taking. Here’s a basic route you could go without making it overly complicated or difficult., you're supposed to bunt with both left and right stick?!
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in Conquest Extreme:
@FightingPossum24 said in Conquest Extreme:
I knocked out 8 of the team turn objectives on the first go by playing steal fans 3 times and only playing Hall of Fame twice. Then I completed the the rest of the map before restarting 3 times to finish the team objectives and the steal fans objective. I dont think I could have been more efficient playing primarily on All Star. It might be a little better on HOF or Legend.
Would’ve been more efficient if you played HOF and Legend. I finished in 2 goes by playing HOF and Legend games. What have you got to lose, it’s not like you’re being penalized for losing
I agree but I often get locked up in 7 or 8 inning games on HOF and I dont want to lose those when I could be knocking out 3 games.
This CQE is kinda boring imo. Bring back 18s CQE.
I did everything i could on the first run, i was able to complete about 65% of the missions, now i am on the 2nd run, i don't expect it to take me a 3rd round.
My question is: after completing the extreme map what's the reward? or how can you track your progress for the extreme rewards?? -
@Ikasnu said in Conquest Extreme:
This CQE is kinda boring imo. Bring back 18s CQE.
it is bored but man, those packs...i have about 78 standards unopened packs and about 10 balling packs, and a bunch of sets packs and i still have to finish the round 2 of the map...
@Ikasnu said in Conquest Extreme:
This CQE is kinda boring imo. Bring back 18s CQE.
This one is much richer in rewards. I mean you receive over a hundred packs in this years incarnation
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in Conquest Extreme:
@Hikes83 said in Conquest Extreme:
Here’s what I did:
Tigers in turn 1. Restart
Entire right side of map, stealing on AS every turn. All the way to turn 6. Restart
Entire left side of map, same a right side. When turn based was done on turn 6. Finished map
This method will take you forever, you really should accomplish as much as you can first go around then restart and grab the ones that you couldn’t get the first time. Should only take 2 and not more than 3 tries to accomplish everything
It takes five times to beat all the turn based missions, but I'm not shocked you're in here acting like the expert, when clearly based on this reply, you haven't even done it yet.
@spatial_coffee10 said in Conquest Extreme:
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in Conquest Extreme:
@Hikes83 said in Conquest Extreme:
Here’s what I did:
Tigers in turn 1. Restart
Entire right side of map, stealing on AS every turn. All the way to turn 6. Restart
Entire left side of map, same a right side. When turn based was done on turn 6. Finished map
This method will take you forever, you really should accomplish as much as you can first go around then restart and grab the ones that you couldn’t get the first time. Should only take 2 and not more than 3 tries to accomplish everything
It takes five times to beat all the turn based missions, but I'm not shocked you're in here acting like the expert, when clearly based on this reply, you haven't even done it yet.
Took me two clown, but I play on legend. Have nice day chump.
How many games total did it take everyone? Including stealing fans.
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in Conquest Extreme:
@Ikasnu said in Conquest Extreme:
This CQE is kinda boring imo. Bring back 18s CQE.
This one is much richer in rewards. I mean you receive over a hundred packs in this years incarnation
Packs are great and all and I'm a huge pack guy, but I'm referring to the difficulty.
Here’s an easy breakdown and probably the fastest way to do it.
Getting as many as the turn based missions done in one go is the wrong move. The more you conquer, the more you’ll have to repeat on your second go, and that takes more time stealing fans as well.
The key is to do the top 10 teams. Not the twins, but actually the Red Sox and Athletics. Then restart and work the map over starting with the twins and going down. The top teams will completely leave your stronghold untouched so you can finish the rest of the turn based missions.
If you want it easy, do the 5 to the left (chi, col, Tex, LA, oak) Restart. 5 right teams. Restart.
I saw some YouTube guys playing 50+ games and this should save anybody that still has to attack it 8-10 games off that, at least.
@MrGamebred said in Conquest Extreme:
How many games total did it take everyone? Including stealing fans.
To complete it in as few a restarts as I did you’ll need to play every game possible to avoid the possibility of losing fans by simming games when you’re completing the turn mission. Once you’ve hit the wall and can no longer complete the turn missions then sim as many games as you can to complete the map. The second restart will be just as miserable as the first time because of the amount of games you have to play but once you’ve completed the turn mission then you’re done. Probably close to 120 games played to complete in the fewest restarts.
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in Conquest Extreme:
@MrGamebred said in Conquest Extreme:
How many games total did it take everyone? Including stealing fans.
To complete it in as few a restarts as I did you’ll need to play every game possible to avoid the possibility of losing fans by simming games when you’re completing the turn mission. Once you’ve hit the wall and can no longer complete the turn missions then sim as many games as you can to complete the map. The second restart will be just as miserable as the first time because of the amount of games you have to play but once you’ve completed the turn mission then you’re done. Probably close to 120 games played to complete in the fewest restarts.
Dude you played too many games
it takes less than 50.