Check swings
In my last two games my opponents have combined for 48 checkswings, and 44 of them being balls. Some of these are completely ridiculous on how they aren’t strikes. So SDS let’s fix this where guys with 125 discipline can barely get a check swing but guys with low discipline can just check away. By the way a 91% percent check swing rate is astronomic
They should just be removed completely. You tap the button, you swing. You don't tap the button, you don't swing. Easy peasy.
@raesONE said in Check swings:
They should just be removed completely. You tap the button, you swing. You don't tap the button, you don't swing. Easy peasy.
Out of curiosity. What's your ranking for ranked season? If you're 700 or more and you don't check swing, I take it you're world series level? If you're 600 or less, I can agree with you because you don't really need it. But if you're 700 plus and don't need to check swing every now and then, then kudos to you because once I'm in the 700s, I don't know how you can't check swing haha.
@TheWise1-86 said in Check swings:
@raesONE said in Check swings:
They should just be removed completely. You tap the button, you swing. You don't tap the button, you don't swing. Easy peasy.
Out of curiosity. What's your ranking for ranked season? If you're 700 or more and you don't check swing, I take it you're world series level? If you're 600 or less, I can agree with you because you don't really need it. But if you're 700 plus and don't need to check swing every now and then, then kudos to you because once I'm in the 700s, I don't know how you can't check swing haha.
Ranking has nothing to do with my argument. Check swinging is broken this year and it completely ruins gameplay at all levels.
@TheWise1-86 said in Check swings:
@raesONE said in Check swings:
They should just be removed completely. You tap the button, you swing. You don't tap the button, you don't swing. Easy peasy.
Out of curiosity. What's your ranking for ranked season? If you're 700 or more and you don't check swing, I take it you're world series level? If you're 600 or less, I can agree with you because you don't really need it. But if you're 700 plus and don't need to check swing every now and then, then kudos to you because once I'm in the 700s, I don't know how you can't check swing haha.
I was in the 700’s then back to back losses put me in allstar
@raesONE said in Check swings:
They should just be removed completely. You tap the button, you swing. You don't tap the button, you don't swing. Easy peasy.
I used to be against this, but I think I've come around on just getting rid of it.
Played against someone who was 165-40, anytime it was offspeed he check swung. He was able to sit fastball all game and won because he got check swings everytime I threw the offspeed. (And because the game will hang secondary pitches a ton if you don't throw the primary pitch, I was screwed)
The guy has great PCI placement, and he can hit the fastball, but he would not be 165-40 if the game did not allow him to check swing and he wouldn't be able to only sit fastball
@eatyum said in Check swings:
@raesONE said in Check swings:
They should just be removed completely. You tap the button, you swing. You don't tap the button, you don't swing. Easy peasy.
I used to be against this, but I think I've come around on just getting rid of it.
Played against someone who was 165-40, anytime it was offspeed he check swung. He was able to sit fastball all game and won because he got check swings everytime I threw the offspeed. (And because the game will hang secondary pitches a ton if you don't throw the primary pitch, I was screwed)
The guy has great PCI placement, and he can hit the fastball, but he would not be 165-40 if the game did not allow him to check swing and he wouldn't be able to only sit fastball
That's what my biggest issue is with check swings. I've been playing this game for years at a high level, I know how to check swing. Yet I've played so many games where it seemed as is I can't get a check swing call for my life, even when I'm 100% certain I check swung, and my opponent gets every single call. It's infuriating and seems to be totally random and it actually influences outcomes of games, like you said. That's why the only solution in my mind is getting rid of the mechanic completely and balance it out for everyone.
@beanball0571 said in Check swings:
In my last two games my opponents have combined for 48 checkswings, and 44 of them being balls. Some of these are completely ridiculous on how they aren’t strikes. So SDS let’s fix this where guys with 125 discipline can barely get a check swing but guys with low discipline can just check away. By the way a 91% percent check swing rate is astronomic
I'm glad you made a post about it. I've mentioned this before. I had a guy check swing almost 40 times in a game. I think he got all but 4-5 calls. This has ruined higher ranked games for me. Top players know how to check swing because they play/practice it 4+ hrs per day.
I check swing on 75% of pitches just to drive the other guy nuts and mess with his plan. He never knows what I’m looking for.
Check swings are the cancer in this game.
I'm sure the folks that complain about check swings never check swing themselves right?
@MINISTRO787 said in Check swings:
I'm sure the folks that complain about check swings never check swing themselves right?
No, I check swing quite often, I would definitely be a worse player without it.
I still want it gone.
@eatyum said in Check swings:
@MINISTRO787 said in Check swings:
I'm sure the folks that complain about check swings never check swing themselves right?
No, I check swing quite often, I would definitely be a worse player without it.
I still want it gone.
This. If I K I deserved it, I'm not getting bailed out by it and vice versa.
@MINISTRO787 said in Check swings:
I'm sure the folks that complain about check swings never check swing themselves right?
I check swing but when you do it 20 plus times a game and it’s rarely called a strike, but my guys with125 discipline think about it they call it a strike.
Checked swings are the most ambiguous calls in real baseball and therefore it's probably the most accurate thing SDS put in this game.
raesONEreplied to MINISTRO787 on Sep 12, 2020, 8:36 PM last edited by raesONE_PSN Sep 12, 2020, 8:36 PM
@MINISTRO787 said in Check swings:
I'm sure the folks that complain about check swings never check swing themselves right?
You can't deny the absolute randomness in check swings if you play this game extensively bro. Like its generally accepted amongst almost everyone that it's just straight up terrible.
Would it be better if they just made it 50/50? Right now it seems like it is 95-5% with balls being called to strikes.
raesONEreplied to mrcityofwin on Sep 12, 2020, 9:46 PM last edited by raesONE_PSN Sep 12, 2020, 9:52 PM
@mrcityofwin said in Check swings:
Would it be better if they just made it 50/50? Right now it seems like it is 95-5% with balls being called to strikes.
The problem with 50/50 is that certain situations carry way more weight than others. Like bases empty no outs, I draw a walk on a check swing on which I felt like I went around. No biggie, I couldn't care less if I got rung up, but I'll take the walk. Then later in the game bases loaded 2 outs, I check swing in a full count and I barely even touch the button yet I get rung up because I went around according to the game, making the 50/50 balance out on my earlier walk. It's an extreme example but the game can't calculate the situational aspect of the moment.
So in short, I would advocate for less randomness altogether by simply removing the mechanic. 50/50 would just shuffle the randomness deck differently.
Stop your whining and throw a strike then. There, I fixed it.
raesONEreplied to cardinals588 on Sep 12, 2020, 10:19 PM last edited by raesONE_PSN Sep 12, 2020, 10:20 PM
@cardinals588 said in Check swings:
Stop your whining and throw a strike then. There, I fixed it.
Or, you could develop an actual good eye and just lay off those tempting pitches in the dirt you wanna swing at every single time only to be bailed out by a faulty game mechanic.