Torii 3H/2XBH
Please post your "I did it on the first try" messages.
I'm in the middle of Hour 4...
Posting this worked! Thanks SDS
... on to the rest...
Did you really spend 4 hours on it? I hope you took a break sometime in between or even give it a days break lol
I spent over an hour banging my head against the wall on this one. Then I switched to directional hitting and pressed up with power swing and got it on my second try. That method is also what got me through those Phillips moments and I should have tried it sooner.
I always use directional on hitting moments.
I did it within 20 mins. Peobably 5th or 6th try. Actually hit three HRs
Another one I didnt have a problem with, yet I still cant hit a HR with Solano, lol. I've gotten 2 to the warning track so that's something I guess.