Update on Drops for Everyone
Unlink and relink Your account if you got no drops
Don’t that and no drops again, been streaming for 2 hours
I haven't received any drops since the SDS stream Thursday. I've watched approximately 3 hours total and I submitted a ticket earlier.
Thought this was interesting. I decided to try and link and unlink my accoun, again, and this is what I get on 3 separate devices, anybody else getting this? @collin_sds
https://ibb.co/z5BdtZP -
I got a 6 pack on Thursday afternoon and then they stopped. I have recorded 26+ hr's of streaming since with no packs. I assume at this point something is broken with the way they did it this time but it is what it is. They are aware at this point and making tickets is pointless since it is happening to allot of customers.
So after 10 hours in streams today, and 10 hours in stream yesterday I've not received a single drop.
This after getting 10 drops (including 2 from the 8th Inning stream) on Thursday.Have unlinked and relinked a couple of times.
@TruztyRuzty said in Update on Drops for Everyone:
Still haven’t received any drops since the SDS stream yesterday, I have watched streams last night and today. Not complaining just a heads up, because from reading chats I’m not the only one
i like your avatar friend
yeah, still not working for me too. been that way since thursday night. And I Watch streams 24/7
@jukebox502 said in Update on Drops for Everyone:
Unlink and relink Your account if you got no drops
Tried this, but it didn't help.
I finally got a drop a minute ago
My twitch account says drops 28. Are these still to come across to my mlb the show account? Or is this what I have received?
Now it states I have 29 packs but nothing has come through to my PlayStation (it was on thursday).
OUMarcusreplied to tingalpa on Sep 5, 2020, 10:30 PM last edited by OUMarcus_PSN Sep 5, 2020, 10:31 PM
@tingalpa said in Update on Drops for Everyone:
My twitch account says drops 28. Are these still to come across to my mlb the show account? Or is this what I have received?
Mine says 33. I just submitted a ticket
I hadn't gotten packs but I had 1 twitch pack when I logged in today, probably from the stream yesterday, maybe there's a delay? I'm not really into watching other people play games but I'll watch some of the SDS streams for new content drops.
Nothing in 3 days since the stream and it said I got one after I unlinked and nothing there
@OUMarcus said in Update on Drops for Everyone:
@jukebox502 said in Update on Drops for Everyone:
Unlink and relink Your account if you got no drops
Tried this, but it didn't help.
I had to do it again this evening. It's bot perfect science but it worked for me.
Anyone figure it out. Two full days of watching 8 hrs a day and still no drops since Thursday after the stream.
@dbarmonstar said in Update on Drops for Everyone:
@Collin_SDS said in Update on Drops for Everyone:
We noticed some questions on the Everyone Drops Campaign currently happening on Twitch and wanted to provide some additional information.
There is a cap on how many packs you can receive. Though no one is near the cap currently.
We have set up this Twitch Drops campaign similar to leveling in an RPG, where the first couple drops can be reached quickly, and as you progress the time required to reach the next level will be longer.
The "Everyone Campaign" is cumulative across all streamers broadcasting MLB The Show 20 on Twitch. So if you watched two hours on one stream and three on another and two hours the following day you have reached seven hours of watch time in the campaign.
We have done cumulative campaigns and individual streamer campaigns such as the CCL campaigns recently where every streamer had an individual watch timer.
Hopefully, this provides some additional clarity. We will be monitoring over the weekend.
it shows on twitch I have 4 packs and then 5 packs but is not showing up on my ps4 to open?
I have the same issue.
They said their looking under the hood to figure it out =p
I have watched about 12 hrs of streams between Friday and Saturday and not received one drop.