Thoughts on Maddux?
I am going to prestige him in 11 innings then I think he's getting replaced not impressed which is a shame. What do you guys think about him.
I hate it, because he's one of my all time favorites, but he gets ripped.
Sorry about double post thought I deleted the first
He’s meh if u can locate the sinker where you want he can be lethal but he seems to put it over the heart of the plate multiple times a game
It is unfortunate. Love maddux but on this game at least from my experience velocity is key. If someone starts maddux against me i get all tingly inside
There's no need to delete the original and create a new post, @MAJELARP . There is an editing tool.
@The_DoctorsWife said in Thoughts on Maddux?:
There's no need to delete the original and create a new post, @MAJELARP . There is an editing tool.
Yeah that's an f up
He’s horrible on AS. Plays very well on HOF
I prestiged him and love him. Does great on HOF/Legend.