Best MLB uniforms
@The_Joneser said in Best MLB uniforms:
Oakland’s Kelly greens. It isn’t even close, guys...
When I was in high school, my economics teacher told the class about some problem he had with his kidneys and he described his urine as being “Kelly green.” So that’s always the first thing I think about anytime someone uses the words “economics teacher.”
@jonblaze2424 said in Best MLB uniforms:
Padres are likely tops. Brewers are fantastic as well
Love the Brewers setup this year, too.
Being a White Sox fan, I have always felt they have the perfect blend of classic but still modern and cool.
But biases aside, I have to go with the Oakland Athletics. Really any combo that they wear always look so good to me. Seeing as I live in a city where most baseball fans are either Giants or A's fans, I've seen a few sweet A's jerseys in person and I always go out of my way to acknowledge how awesome they look. In fact, about a week ago I saw a dude wearing a Rickey Henderson classic decked out with the cap and everything and shot the sh*t with the guy for a few minutes about baseball.
Can we please move the nike logo to the sleeve. Now that I got that off my chest(bad pun) I like all the powder blues especially the Royals
I still think they should release all uniforms for every team in history as a cosmetic in the community market to equip for your team like the socks and bat would be DOPE!
@Dino-might_not said in Best MLB uniforms:
I think the new Padres might be my favorite.
Dodgers and White Sox have great classic looks.
And the Phillies powder blue throwbacks are outstanding.
I agree, the Padres new unis are dope. Of course my favorite is the Dodgers and their classic look.
Hate me for this choice but I still think the Astros uniforms since going to the AL have been cool.
I'm a big fan of anything with the cream/off white as a home colour. Giants and Phillies look really sharp in my opinion. Brewers went a bit heavy but I still dig it. And for some reason I always liked the look of the Orioles alternate orange home jerseys. At least they look good on the field while looking bad on the field.....
I’ve always loved the Giants uniforms.
Biased here, but it’s also hard to top the pinstriped Cubs home uniforms.
Brewers, Padres, and Athletics are all great too.
@SchnauzerFace said in Best MLB uniforms:
I’m a total homer, but I love the White Sox black jerseys and also their powder blue & red road uniforms from the 70s.
I also kinda like the D-backs dark grey road uniforms and their red home Sunday afternoon jerseys. You gotta hand it to Arizona — probablt 2/3 of their unis over the years have been utterly horrendous, but they really go balls out and never play it safe when it comes to uniforms.
My favorites are probably Arizona's whites, with the bright teal accents.