Outfielder urgency
What’s going on with hits to the outfield ? Everyone of my outfielders spins around , double clutches , or is just taking their time to throw the ball. It’s almost unplayable right now and giving runs to an opponent that they never would of been close to scoring. Is this just events and br ? I quit playing ranked last week after Ws.
Yeah, can definitely be worked on. Someone hit a rope right at cutch in the bottom of the 9th in a tie game. Dude on second scores cause cutch "gave me this OLEY bs" and took his sweet time.
It’s just one of the many issues with the game. A ex Sony partner quash stated it best, this game allows bad players the opportunity to stay in the game . Why because sds makes money off of these people who think good cards make a bad player better
Someone needs to tell MY Larry Walker to stop tripping over his shoes and taking a fall. Can he please tie his cleats between innings.
At least they aren't doing yoga in the outfield and no one has ran out to the outfield to save a rat with wings
Computer seems to have no Problem . They dive for catches, rob HR's, Steal with the slowest players. and force your players to steal just to throw them out