Am I the only one that uses directional hitting?
@raesONE said in Am I the only one that uses directional hitting?:
@jimjones9989 said in Am I the only one that uses directional hitting?:
@raesONE said in Am I the only one that uses directional hitting?:
@jimjones9989 said in Am I the only one that uses directional hitting?:
@raesONE said in Am I the only one that uses directional hitting?:
@jimjones9989 said in Am I the only one that uses directional hitting?:
Lots of WS guys use it, they just don't tell you
That's because they don't.
Except....they do. There are entire youtube channels dedicated to the finer side of using directional, by WS players. Big Tom being one of many. I didn't spend time learning how to do it, but plenty of people have mastered it.
So there's a handful of guys who use it and make WS occasionally or even consistently. That doesn't mean "lots" of guys use it. It's a shame we can't access the true numbers because I'd bet the house that the overwhelming majority in WS uses zone hitting.
I don't disagree with you, but WS players use it. The rest of us should show a little less hate to those that decide to play that way. Guys hitting under the Mendoza line shouldn't get a pass because they use zone, and guys making world series with directional shouldn't be frowned upon for their input choices.
Lately, I've been using pure analog, it's a blast to use, and I still get solid hit results. A lot of snobbery in the community about input, I think that's ridiculous.
I'm not judging anyone who uses anything other than zone hitting, that's fine. Although I would personally prefer zone hitting being enforced in all online game modes, but that's just my personal opinion. I was just arguing the fact that most people in the upper tiers are most definitely zone hitters, and it makes sense too since it's the input mechanic least prone to RNG.
I agree that a universal input would be best, and I don't think YOU are judging, just my soapbox of the day.
I have friends that refuse to use button accuracy, analog pitching, or zone hitting because they think it's too hard. If the game forced it, they (and others) would realize it's not that hard, and they'd enjoy the game a lot more.
Maybe next year....
@MrGamebred said in Am I the only one that uses directional hitting?:
Final Note: sorry I couldn’t get to everything, and sorry if I offended you on the first line. Not my intention or really toward you Lol BUT just wanted to say I literally never ever ever am able to pull something DOTTED low and way off speed out using zone. It’s only a homer if the pitcher confidence is down, but then all bets are off everything is a homer(another stupid part of the game)
No offense taken, I just like a friendly argument. And likewise, I don't want to offend you, either, Mr. Masvidal
And you're right; I get a little too far into the weeds when looking at things.
I'd love to see a different, universal hitting engine, but not sure what that would look like. In trying to provide options, I think a little confusion and angst was created as the users of each particular style are going to get miffed when the advantages of the other makes them lose (I've seen more than my share of pulled HRs off of down and out sliders - crazy making!).
How does it take more brain power to use directional? Seriously man be real. The less control you have, the more RNG there is.
How does it take more brain power to use directional? Seriously man be real. The less control you have, the more RNG there is.
@Cle_LAND22 said in Am I the only one that uses directional hitting?:
How does it take more brain power to use directional? Seriously man be real. The less control you have, the more RNG there is.
Well, if you're going to ask twice, I guess I'll answer...
Simply because you're making a split-second decision, as in using your brain to decide "should I pull this, or push it the other way?" rather than just putting the reticicle on the ball. Again, not saying you have to be more intelligent to do it or that that the less intelligent aren't capable of making that decision, just that one method introduces an additional decision into the equation while the other taxes your reflexes and hand-eye coordination more heavily.
As to the RNG, both methods influence 3 of 4 factors, with RNG deciding the 4th for you.